spookier in a sentence

Use ‘spookier’ in a sentence | ‘spookier’ example sentences

1- The next incident was a little spookier .

2- The more remote, then the spookier the area becomes.

3- Bearer took on a spookier , ghastlier character.

4- He succeeds in making the party notably spookier , and the staff appears to enjoy it.

5- Also remember, wild horses are generally ” spookier ” than domestic horses born and raised by humans.

6- She described it as “mellow” but darker and spookier in tone than the duo’s work.

7- spookier than Blair Witch !

8- Things can get even spookier at night , when a contracted security firm takes over , leaving three or four men alone, in the dark, with the ancient stones.

9- Then Rachel (Perkins) came back one morning and said, ‘I think it should be a girl, because it makes the stakes a bit spookier .

10- ‘It’s spookier than ever in here,’ Mary whispered ‘It’s even worse if you see the headless horseman,’ Billy replied, with a mischievous grin.

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