splicer in a sentence

Use ‘splicer’ in a sentence | ‘splicer’ example sentences

1- During network time, local commercials are inserted using a transport stream splicer .

2- He had tried a splicer once.

3- Operation Cable splicer and Garden Plot program to control the population .

4- This also goes for the non-player splicer enemies.

5- And “Undo” was not a characteristic of the tape splicer .

6- While harvesting, you need to guard them from hoards of splicers .

7- Yes splicers were soooo much better .

8- The NBN is facing delays due to a lack of skilled fibre splicers in Australia.

9- They are leaving up extra cable in coils awaiting the splicers who will come later.

10- The second Big Daddy then engages the drill, causing the splicer to scream in agony.

11- While she does this, the player must defend her from splicer attacks and other foes.

12- While the descriptions of Cable splicer and Garden Plot are accurate, the source is deceptively obscured.

13- splicers completed the repair using three hundred feet of Type A-2 cable from the Key West cable tank.

14- Plug it in your electrical outlet and the splicer warms up to allow for fast and efficient splicing.

15- Cable splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government.

16- The workforce includes customer service representatives, line workers, engineers, splicers , installers, reviewers and support staff.

17- splicers – A planet in which humans use bio-technology to fight against an A.I. in a post-apocalyptic world.

18- Dozens of pages of the unedited official documents from Garden Plot and Cable splicer were reprinted in the magazine.

19- He worked as a cable splicer for the Louisville phone company, only playing amateur baseball in a church league.

20- At one end, a screen with a home projector, a camera, spools of film, a splicer .

21- The AFL team uses a splicer equipped with two video cameras and a pattern matching algorithm to roughly match the cores .

22- The splice was performed by Norm Duke of Wyoming, who is one of only a few splicers in North America.

23- BioShock was full of ironic humor , right down to the creepy things you heard off-screen when there was a splicer nearby.

24- They flirt, while Osborn and his wife prepare the gene splicer for the new experiment (“Picture This”).

25- When he’s defending a Sister from a pack of splicers , it’s hard not to root for his rivet gun.

26- After yet another graduation it was announced that I was going to be a MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) 2813, “Telephone Systems Cable splicer ” requiring a 12-week course to be held at Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Texas.

27- The Neptun arrived six miles off shore from Key West at 6 p.m. on Saturday, December 13, 1930, and took various Cuban-American Telephone and Telegraph Company personnel and Bell Telephone engineers and cable splicers aboard for observing the work of laying submarine cable.

28- I’m no gene splicer myself, so I relied on the gene splicing that’s built into every living thing: reproduction.

29- Operation Cable splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose.

30- IT as a splicer , all of the work day comes to information professionals, Industries, organizations, and finally all the people in different parts of society in less time and provide the best possible way.

31- Julie Sautner of Dimock planned to attend the final EPA meeting originally scheduled in August with her husband, Craig, a cable splicer , and 17-year-old daughter Kelly.

32- For example, all enemies in a water-filled room can be shocked by electrocuting the water, sentry guns and cameras can be hacked to fire on detected splicers , or explosive proximity traps can be set through the help of telekinesis.

33- In the first two games, the player controls a character as they explore Rapture, learning of the city’s past and the fate of its citizens, defending themselves from attacks from splicers along the way as they complete missions given to them by the few unaffected survivors.

34- Other forms of scrimshaw included whalebone fids (rope splicer ), bodkins (needle), swifts (yarn holding equipment) and sailors’ canes.

35- Last splicer Standing: A variation of ‘Civil War’ in which players do not respawn after being killed; each match consists of several rounds in which players attempt to outlive the players on the enemy team.

36- Set in 1959, just before the events of “BioShock”, the player chooses to take on the role of a splicer fighting in Rapture’s civil war.

37- As in “BioShock”, the player explores Rapture and fights off splicers , the remaining psychotic human population of the undersea city, using a combination of the environment, weapons, plasmids, and tonics.

38- However, if either the player or a splicer gets too close to a Little Sister, the Big Daddy will assume an aggressive stance in attempt to scare off the transgressor.

39- The Big Daddy then removes the drill, spins the splicer round to face it and punches him in the face with the drill. The K-38 splicer‘s trailer was used in World War II for carrying telephone cable splicers tools in the field.

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