spleens in a sentence

Use ‘spleens’ in a sentence | ‘spleens’ example sentences

1- Patients with hemoglobin H disease also develop large spleens .

2- Immunocompetent individuals with healthy spleens often recover without treatment.

3- She has at least two spleens , but neither work properly.

4- Here we get only partisan doctoral students venting their spleens .

5- These patients typically have enlarged spleens .

6- They write with their heads and their hearts instead of their spleens .

7- But that is a vaccination many people get who have their spleens .

8- Mycobacterial rRNA has been shown to be raised in sarcoid spleens .

9- Splenectomized patients may have larger post-transfusion platelet increments than individuals with normal spleens .

10- Most cetaceans have small spleens .

11- Angry venting of spleens so long as it ‘s not beyond the standards of human decency?

12- Beaked whales have several anatomical adaptations to deep diving: large spleens , livers, and body shape.

13- However, beaked whales have much larger spleens than delphinids, and may have larger livers as well.

14- The research team studied the Yop known as YopH in order to identify its specific effect within infected spleens .

15- They separated tissue cells from immune cells taken from spleens and compared suspended immune cells from the two sets of mice .

16- They had fluid in their lungs, enlarged spleens , bronchial pneumonia, and their skin peeled off like plastic food wrap.

17- The serosal surfaces of the abdominal organs had a slight yellow discoloration (mild icterus) and the spleens were markedly enlarged (splenomegaly), dark red in color, and bulged from the cut surface (congestion).

18- Horses carry much more oxygen in their blood, and have a storage system for red blood cells in their spleens , a natural system of blood doping.

19- When persons having large spleens are seized with dysentery, and if the dysentery pass into a chronic state, either dropsy or lientery supervenes, and they die. 44.

20- Rather than contributing efforts to deliver shared technology, the open source peanut gallery scours the web like an army of GNU-bots, looking for infractions of openness to target with a disgorging of their vented spleens .

21- However, by definition in the pet food industry, meat by-products are clean parts other than meat, such as lungs, kidneys, and spleens .

22- They assume that, while they are alive, their kidneys, their eyes, their spleens , their hearts are theirs – and will go with them to their graves unless they chose to gift them to others.

23- Mild brain damage and impairment of sight or hearing are frequently caused by relatively slight blows to the head, and every year many people with enlarged spleens due to malaria are accidentally killed in domestic disputes.

24- Nevertheless, serious injury and even death can be caused without the use of weapons, particularly in Papua New Guinea, where spleens may be easily ruptured.

25- Occasionally, a splenectomy may be required for patients with enlarged spleens who have not responded to, or who relapse after, treatment with drug therapy.

26- The power plant could help dispose of the offal surplus which has gathered as a result of the BSE scare, which has led to a ban on the rendering of brains, spinal cords, spleens and tonsils into pet food or animal feed.

27- Child wrote, “overloading the movie with superheroes might please fans of the comic books, but the rest of us will be chewing on our own spleens when the umpteenth brightly coloured dude turns up to spout one line of dialogue, then drop off the map”.

28- To love Mrs Brown, one must be thrilled by a man in a hairnet and dinner lady tabard saying the F-word roughly once every ten minutes, egged on by a loyal studio audience so whipped to hysteria by him that one can hear pants being soiled and spleens exploding with mirth.

29- In 1947 Beet published that the incidence of enlarged spleens in sickle-cell patients was much lower than in non sickle-cell and suggested that this was due to recurrent thromboses which resulted in fibrosis and shrinkage of the spleen.

30- The Chinese “Huangdi Neijing” (The Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor) dating from ~300 BCE – 200 CE apparently refers to repeated paroxysmal fevers associated with enlarged spleens and a tendency to epidemic occurrence.

31- Parasitemia levels can reach up to 85% in patients without spleens compared to 1-10% in individuals with spleens and effective immune systems.

32- Parasitemia levels can reach up to 85% in patients without spleens compared to 1-10% in individuals with spleens and effective immune systems.

33- In 1845, a series of patients who died with enlarged spleens and changes in the “colors and consistencies of their blood” was reported by the Edinburgh-based pathologist J.H. Bennett; he used the term “leucocythemia” to describe this pathological condition.

34- Another CFU, the “colony-forming unit–spleen” (CFU–S) was the basis of an “in vivo” clonal colony formation, which depends on the ability of infused bone marrow cells to give rise to clones of maturing hematopoietic cells in the spleens of irradiated mice after 8 to 12 days.

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