specific in a sentence 2

Use ‘specific’ in a sentence | ‘specific’ example sentences

51- tOkeshuHe offered no specific explanation for his se behavior.

52- Find someone who has a specific skill of some kind.

53- skipFind someone who can name an endangered species.

54- specificElectrons sometimes behave like waves under specific conditions.

55- The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.

56- Wind tunnel studies alert car designers to specific areas of drag.

57- Discussion question: Do you have any specific goals in life? What are they?This illness appears to be specific to children under the age of five.

58- By using four types of metal, specific frequency resonance is suppressed.

59- You need to be more specific about what the problem is before I can help you.

60- We do not have sufficient empirical evidence to let us draw any specific conclusions.

61- This new drug targets specific cancer cells and kills them without harming any healthy cells.

62- Children are always able to find novel uses for toys that are made to be used in specific ways.

63- Behavior is not labelled as abnormal unless it matches a specific set of psychological criteria.

64- If specific situations trigger your desire to smoke, changing your routine may help you to quit.

65- I don’t know what you mean.

66- Can you be a bit more specific about what problems your car is having?An effective writer is one who knows what sort of words should be employed in any specific context.

67- The teacher designed an individualized program for the student to help him reach his specific goals.

68- ch, where there are many posts praising specific companies, or, conversely, denigrating their rivals.

69- Having a specific and clear goal for learning a second language will enhance your chances for success.

70- Discussion question: Have you ever donated money, time or other things to a specific cause? Talk about it.

71- Is there anything specific that you want me to pick up for supper or should I just get whatever is on sale? specimenMeasurements of the intensity of an earthquake evaluate the severity of ground motion at a specific location.

72- Even though I disagree with his views in general, I have to admit that he may be right on this specific issue.

73- Gasoline has no specific freezing point, it freezes at any temperature between -180 and -240 degrees Fahrenheit.

74- You need to develop a more clear and specific hypothesis before you begin the experimental phase of your project.

75- At the Language Institute, our instructors endeavor to build a program which serves your specific language needs.

76- Measurements of the intensity of an earthquake evaluate the severity of ground motion at a specific location.

77- sewTheir band doesn’t really play any specific type of music in particular, they just play whatever their audience wants.

78- Personally, I don’t really like the candidate, but I am voting more for a political platform than for a specific person.

79- There is a Chinese proverb which observes that one dog barks at something specific, and then a hundred bark at the sound.

80- My partner and I share a common business philosophy, but our specific ideas for achieving our goals are somewhat different.

81- Scientists have determined that each type of dolphin specializes in catching prey that lives within its specific ecosystem.

82- In acupuncture, the body of the patient is pierced with special needles at specific points and at various angles and depths.

83- Genetic engineering may someday allow scientists to isolate and treat specific genes responsible for a variety of illnesses.

84- In acupuncture, the body of the patient is pierced with special needles, at specific points, and at various angles and depths.

85- The importance of punctuality is a very culturally-specific idea.

86- In some cultures, you are almost expected to be late.

87- Politicians never get very specific about what they will do if elected because they don’t want to make too many promises they can’t keep.

88- This dictionary is not made for any specific language level, it can be used by anyone studying English, from the beginner to the advanced learner.

89- It can be difficult to make a literal translation of some expressions from other languages because the idea expressed is often specific to the culture.

90- As a language learner, you may sometimes need to supplement the work done in the classroom with material you have gathered which is relevant to your specific language goals.

91- Argument continues about the White collar exemption that exempts specific white collar workers from the hours in day, hours a week, working hours fixed by the Labour Standards Act.

92- A report studying the Bush administration’s public statements on Iraq identified 237 specific misleading statements made by Bush and four of his leading officials regarding the threat posed by Iraq.

93- Charles J.

94- Givens once noted that the more specific and measurable your goal, the more quickly you will be able to identify, locate, create, and implement the use of the necessary resources for its achievement.

95- The more clues they type in, the more specific their options become.

96- We don’t have a specific cost savings that we anticipate, said Chase.

97- He declined to comment on any specific security measures being taken.

98- She was asked about the specific allegations and she denied each one.

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