spanked in a sentence

Use ‘spanked’ in a sentence | ‘spanked’ example sentences

1- Many scenes show men being whipped , spanked or deviously humiliated.

2- At this point he spanked her bottom.

3- He tackled the nanny but was spanked for his efforts.

4- Josh says SGM is being publicly spanked .

5- They also spanked league leaders Doncaster 3 -0 on Tuesday.

6- I hope its not the Frank who gets spanked .

7- Not only is he spanked , his spankings seem more unusual.

8- They were spanked by Liverpool and then passed Everton to sleep .

9- Meanwhile, they ought to be spanked for their hypocrisy.

10- Historically, boys have tended to be more frequently spanked than girls.

11- Hence I spanked you with the fresh water as pollutant example.

12- In fact, Tubby is spanked with more frequency than Lulu.

13- Does she need to be cuddled or spanked ?

14- Getting spanked for unfinished homework became a sorry part of my school life .

15- They just got spanked by the woeful Oakland Raiders .

16- More than 90 percent of Swedish children were spanked prior to the ban.

17- He has a girlfriend that has spanked my kids and gives them baths.

18- At Charlie’s funeral, Lydia mentions that Charlie loved being spanked .

19- I got spanked by Kylie Minogue!

20- We have all been spanked as children and beating is just another spanking.

21- We will never spank our children as our own parents never spanked us.

22- What if, after being spanked , a student disrupts more and more?

23- If you’ve spanked your child, you may feel guilty and contrite.

24- The Pats got spanked by the NYJ in their own building.

25- I had no recourse to explain my case – get spanked and talk later .

26- He orally spanked that man as hard as I’ve ever seen anyone chastised.

27- Editors Note: ” spanked like a 4-year-old at K-mart”?


29- Also among those who were spanked , the punishment may not have been too severe.

30- In South Korea, male and female secondary students alike are commonly spanked in school.

31- They also discuss her naughty themed anthologies which include spanked : Red-Cheeked Erotica.

32- In 1961’s “Blue Hawaii”, Elvis Presley spanked Jenny Maxwell.

33- My dad spanked me twice as far as I can recall all these years later .

34- We’d expect these kids to get spanked more frequently than kids who are well-behaved.

35- Minnie told them that the trouble was that Harriet should be spanked and wasn’t.

36- Juan tastes Ariel before he gets his butt cheeks pulled apart and spanked for the camera.

37- Studies report worse outcomes for kids who are spanked regularly or who are spanked with objects.

38- Studies report worse outcomes for kids who are spanked regularly or who are spanked with objects.

39- Were these kids were getting spanked because they were more aggressive or slow to begin with? Find someone who was spanked as a child.

40- spareThe little girl cried for an hour after her mother spanked her.

41- We heard the sound of someone being spanked, and then a loud scream.

42- The Pasadena team spanked their opponents 5 – 0 in the final game of the tournament.

43- He spanked his daughter after she pulled her brother’s hair so hard that he began to cry.

44- The child couldn’t even feel it when his mother spanked him because his diaper was so thick.

45- The child couldn’t even feel it when her mother spanked her because her diaper was so thick.

46- My parents never spanked me when I was little because they didn’t believe in hitting children.

47- My parents often spanked me when I was young, but I knew they loved me, and just did it to teach me right from wrong.

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