sorts in a sentence

Use ‘sorts’ in a sentence | ‘sorts’ example sentences

1- Magical practitioners of different sorts were usually priests.

2- There are several sorts to suit various needs.

3- What sorts of games did kids play?

4- What sorts of traits draw visual attention?

5- Two sorts of necessary punishment are discussed.

6- Your six month old baby under those sorts of pressures.

7- These sorts of things are really important .

8- Those sorts of things are ” harm”.

9- We’ve always been independent sorts around here.

10- I was thinking all sorts of horrible.

11- Both sorts of behavior are against the comments policy here.

12- I eventually became an editor of sorts .

13- This raises all sorts of “due process” problems.

14- They sessions answers all sorts of questions.

15- He often experienced these sorts of signs himself.

16- I was getting all sorts of errors.

17- Which firms must operate what sorts of programs?

18- Some sorts of information are more “sticky” than others.

19- The visible signs are of two main sorts .

20- Through some sorts of dyes cloth is rendered less useful.

21- Different sorts of supporters reacted in different ways.

22- Strictly define what sorts of cases qualify.

23- He may throw all sorts of fits.

24- The resulting thread generated all sorts of interesting stuff.

25- Being human involves confronting all sorts of fears.

26- All sorts of gardening products are available for sale.

27- He was still a tyrant of sorts .

28- Thus the zone name itself always sorts first.

29- These sorts of problems are always very hard to track down.

30- All sorts of animals were occupying the planet.

31- There are all sorts of engineering job.

32- There were all sorts of miraculous statements.

33- There were two sorts of urban settlements.

34- For there are various sorts of commentaries.

35- Or certain sorts of symbiotic phenomena between insects and plants.

36- The opera is a domestic comedy of sorts .

37- The venue design told a story of sorts .

38- It housed many army regiments of all sorts .

39- Some sorts might be possible if designed. I am a little out of sorts today.

40- All sorts of people live in Tokyo.

41- All sorts of rumors rose about her past.

42- His absence gave birth to all sorts of rumors.

43- The kids saw all sorts of animals at the Seattle Zoo.

44- I like all sorts of Asian foods, particularly Thai food.

45- Modern society is overflowing with all sorts of information.

46- In other words, it takes all sorts of people to make a world.

47- Besides those serious problems, he had to contend with all sorts of people.

48- There live in this world people of all sorts of colors and manners and custoMs. There were all sorts of people at the party that I hadn’t seen for a long time.

49- The crew on all commercial flights are trained to function in all sorts of emergencies.

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