sorer in a sentence

Use ‘sorer’ in a sentence | ‘sorer’ example sentences

1- And actually the graft site is a lot sorer than the burns.

2- It demonstrated that the actual situation was much sorer and that many individuals had been affected.

3- We left Asakusa weighed down with our purchases; by this point our feet were sore, and our legs were sorer .

4- Since the injection the pain in my hip has been worse and as they day wears on it gets sorer and sorer.

5- Since the injection the pain in my hip has been worse and as they day wears on it gets sorer and sorer .

6- My throat grew sorer and my responses fuzzier as the day went on, and I ended up in bed with a fever.

7- I have written before about the post-meet exhaustion and emotional process I go through, so I won’t go into that too much but it’s definitely no different this time around; if anything, I am sorer than after my powerlifting meets!

8- For such a person, even the minor deterrent of Chenek is enough, whereas the potential Ben sorer u’Moreh, whose Yetzer ha’Ra to sin is much stronger, and he is younger and less mature, needs a stronger deterrent.

9- In order for the death of the Ben sorer u’Moreh to be most effective as a deterrent, he is killed with the most severe form of death.

10- This is why the Torah says that Beis Din should announce everywhere that this child was killed because he was a Ben sorer u’Moreh (Devarim 21:21).

11- The answer to this question may be learned from the words of the RAMBAN , who explains that the killing of a Ben sorer u’Moreh is not only to prevent him from sinning, but to teach a lesson to potential sinners and thereby prevent them from following in his evil ways.

12- Even if the Ben sorer u’Moreh has the status of a Rodef, why should Beis Din kill him with Sekilah and not with a less severe form of death?

13- The Halachah is that a Rodef may be killed in any manner possible, and therefore there is nothing wrong with killing a Ben sorer u’Moreh with Sekilah, even though the sin that he might do (Retzichah, murder) is punishable only with Sayif.

14- If a Ben sorer u’Moreh is treated like a Nochri, then why is he punished with Sekilah and not Sayif, which is the punishment of a Nochri?

15- Similarly, a Ben sorer u’Moreh is killed merely for stealing from others, because he is treated like a Nochri who is killed for stealing.

16- Therefore, the reason the Torah requires that a Ben sorer u’Moreh be killed is that he eventually will kill others.

17- Consequently, if the only fear is that the Ben sorer u’Moreh will grow up to be Mechalel Shabbos, the Torah would not have prescribed killing him while he is young.

18- The Gemara implies that if the Ben sorer u’Moreh would not be killed, then he eventually will sin and be Chayav Misah, and, therefore, he should be killed now so that he should die without having sinned.

19- Therefore, a Ben sorer u’Moreh is killed with Sekilah in order to prevent him from degenerating to the state of a highway robber.

20- It says, “Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who…counted the blood of the covenant…an unholy thing…?” It’s not that they made fun of the blood.

21- While most of these laws can be made relevant to our contemporary lives, one that has particular relevance to our work as Hillel professionals is the commandment of what to do with the “wayward son” or the ben sorer u’moreh.

22- “I am sorer today than after running the Baja 1000.”

23- ‘But my poor right nipple just got sorer and sorer.

24- ‘But my poor right nipple just got sorer and sorer .

25- ***** Hadran Alach ‘ben sorer u’Moreh *****

26- I know its only been about 10 days but my fingers are still sore/ sorer , more bumps appearinghmmm… variable for folks but slow.

27- (e) However, the Maharal continues and says that in truth the question is not a question at all, since the Ben sorer u’Moreh is not being killed for a specific sin that he will do.

28- (d) The MAHARAL (in Gur Aryeh) suggests that Sekilah might indeed be the appropriate punishment for a killer in the case of a Ben sorer u’Moreh.

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