sodium in a sentence 3

Use ‘sodium’ in a sentence | ‘sodium’ example sentences

101- The combined lithium-ion and sodium-ion make up would lower the overall price of the battery.

102- Chem. News 27 : 183. The resulting sodium sulfate from these processes are known as salt cake.

103- Chlorine also reacts with sodium to create sodium chloride, which is another name for table salt.

104- “Renal phosphate transport: inhomogeneity of local proximal transport rates and sodium dependence”.

105- Adding small doses of lamotrigine to sodium valproate may be the best combination in resistant cases.

106- The bologna sandwich tends to be high in saturated fat (more so if cheese is added) and is high in sodium.

107- sodium chloride, the main salt in sea water, causes a big increase in conductivity with increased concentration.

108- For all applications, naturally produced and chemically produced sodium sulfate are practically interchangeable.

109- The new Windex was mostly water, with small amounts of sodium dodecyl sulfate (an ionic surfactant ) and solvent.

110- Free pantothenic acid is absorbed into intestinal cells via a saturable, sodium-dependent active transport system.

111- A heavily potassium solution will increase the rate of fermentation while increasing sodium will slow the processes.

112- “Slow inactivation of the NaV1.4 sodium channel in mammalian cells is impeded by co-expression of the beta1 subunit.

113- Iron powder is mixed with sodium chlorate and ignited by a charge which is activated by pulling on the emergency mask.

114- Each cell is composed of a sodium anode, sulfur cathode, and solid ceramic sodium ion conducting electrolyte and separator.

115- sodium valproate or clonazepam are active against febrile seizures, with sodium valproate showing superiority over clonazepam.

116- However, sodium carbonate is not as strongly basic as trisodium phosphate, making it less effective in demanding applications.

117- Burning seaweed was introduced in 1684 by Mr Nance on Teän to provide sodium carbonate for glass making and continued until 1835.

118- “Racial differences in blood pressure in Evans County, Georgia: relationship to sodium and potassium intake and plasma renin activity”.

119- This use is waning as domestic consumers are increasingly switching to compact or liquid detergents that do not include sodium sulfate.

120- Rohla, Gaal, Kiss, and Kocsis, Intracerebroventricular antiotensin II injection does not elicit specific appetite for sodium in the rat.

121- “Surface active taste modifiers: a comparison of the physical and psychophysical properties of gymnemic acid and sodium lauryl sulfate”.

122- sodium Credits can be used to redeem sodium related content throughout the sodium universe.

123- Trade names sodium chlorate is the active ingredient in a variety of commercial herbicides.

124- The sodium and chloride ions subsequently became the most abundant constituents of sea salt.

125- In high performance engines sometimes sodium-cooled valve stems are used to cool the valves.

126- “B-ind1, a novel mediator of Rac1 signaling cloned from sodium butyrate-treated fibroblasts”.

127- Na v 1.8 is a tetrodotoxin -resistant sodium channel that replaces lost sodium after cell damage.

128- I remember buying some metallic sodium and trying to reduce cryolite, but obtained very poor results.

129- sodium myreth sulfate is a mixture of organic compounds with both detergent and surfactant properties.

130- In medieval Europe, a compound of sodium with the Latin name of sodanum was used as a headache remedy.

131- “Amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel subunits are expressed in human and mussel immunocytes”.

132- Users can build XP, complete objectives, earn sodium Credits or compete on the world-wide leader board.

133- This inward flow of sodium leads to a short term depolarization of the post synaptic neuron and an EPSP.

134- sodium at STP is a soft metal that can be readily cut with a knife and is a good conductor of electricity.

135- Fixing breaches may also prove dangerous, as the noble gas argon is also used to prevent sodium oxidation.

136- Also colored pink to differentiate it from table salt, this blend is produced from salt and sodium nitrate.

137- Since phenols are acidic, they readily react with a strong base like sodium hydroxide to form phenoxide ions.

138- sodium amide (also known as sodamide) is synthesized from sodium metal and ammonia with ferric nitrate catalyst.

139- Eulabelle tells him that Hank went to get the sodium, and Elaine went to look for the monsters at Fingel’s Quarry.

140- Molecular mechanism Hypokalemic periodic paralysis results from mutations in subunits of sodium or calcium channels.

141- Lignin is degraded to shorter fragments with sulphur content at 1-2% and sodium content at about 6% of the dry solids.

142- The EJ257’s cylinder heads have been redesigned to improve cooling, and the sodium -filled exhaust valves have been deleted.

143- Seawolf utilized a liquid-metal nuclear reactor using liquid sodium as an alternative heat exchange medium to pressurized water.

144- The biochemical processes within the cells of halophytes are typically as sensitive to sodium as are the processes in glycophytes.

145- ” sodium Pentothal, a rapid-onset barbiturate drug, would not be found in the physics department, but rather the Biochemistry Department.

146- The flushable insert contents include elemental-chlorine-free, farmed tree fluff pulp and super absorber called SAP ( sodium polyacrylate ).

147- Because of side reactions forming thiosulfate (nonregenerable), there is a small makeup requirement in the form of trona (sodium carbonate).

148- A coma is first induced by intravenous administration of 20 mg/kg thiopental sodium (Nesdonal) in a small volume (10 ml physiological saline).

149- SLC22A8 (OAT3) is indirectly dependent on the inward sodium gradient, which is a driving force for reentry of dicarboxylates into the cytosol.

150- In some bacteria and archaea, ATP synthesis is driven by the movement of sodium ions through the cell membrane, rather than the movement of protons.

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