snipped in a sentence

Use ‘snipped’ in a sentence | ‘snipped’ example sentences

1- The rest was snipped off, using fine scissors.

2- This print includes footage snipped from previous TV editions.

3- This is snipped directly from the email.

4- The black lace veiling had been snipped away.

5- She snipped crisp green stalks with a pair of scissors.

6- Often this site explains why you have been snipped .

7- She had snipped , and he had taken a lock.

8- Well Louis , I have been snipped .

9- That’s right, a code snipped needs a full blog post.

10- This can be snipped off and resoldered on later.

11- Cooley snipped off a piece but declined to take the whole thing.

12- The small fair woman snipped her blue thread with a pair of scissors.

13- Add the tinned tomatoes finely chopped (scissor snipped ).

14- It was snipped into four pieces.

15- Jane snipped at John , and John interrupted when Jane talked.

16- Pea shoots potted in dirt are snipped off with garden shears.

17- So Girish helpfully offers fairly snipped excerpts.

18- Leaning forward towards the nylon line, she snipped with the scissors.

19- Then she snipped the long, long strips of satin into tiny squares.

20- Andrews snipped and sewed the masterpiece into one-piece garments.

21- She has even been snipped out of a photograph taken after her wedding.

22- Meh’Lindi snipped his head off.

23- He snipped IXJac’s original argument and E-mailed it to me.

24- It would be three weeks before any of the elastics could be snipped .

25- Except the ends of the rose stems were neatly snipped …there were no flowers.

26- In large fish, the tissue can be snipped using sterile tissue forceps and scissors.

27- Lisa becomes distraught and cries when her long hair is snipped into a pixie cut.

28- Perhaps you could get Dr Ball to write another thread that you snipped here.

29- But he neeeds his tubes snipped for the sanity fo the rest of us.

30- The snipped sections will overlap.

31- They may be snipped off.

32- Neat edges, snipped close.

33- Vendors pushing their ware snipped her view and the resonated echoes of motherhood at intervals.

34- Diana was saved when the professor snipped the wires in Samson’s head, disabling it.

35- The following material, snipped from the Feb 7 edition of The Progressive Review is appalling.

36- Not long after, a woman came up and snipped a bra strap, again taking nothing.

37- Chives need little tending to, and are best when snipped with scissors rather than a knife.

38- Right: Figure 10 The Red and Purple yarn ends have both been hidden and snipped off.

39- She is shamed and dishonored, poor girl, when a strand of her hair is snipped .

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