sluicing in a sentence

Use ‘sluicing’ in a sentence | ‘sluicing’ example sentences

1- The chief advantage of the hydraulic sluicing method was its cost.

2- The water went sluicing out of the house into the garden.

3- The inspectors responded with orders for sluicing and cleansing and ventilating.

4- The flume current supplies water for sluicing and power to pump the bed.

5- Mark took another sluicing swallow.

6- Birds ducked from the rim, sluicing their backs, then riffled their feathers like a pack of cards.

7- I had not gone far before the rain started and it soon became a sluicing downpour that never abated all day.

8- Fargo developed new methods for construction of earth embankment dams on foundations of soft soils, which made use of hydraulic sluicing .

9- He became the first American engineer to utilize hydraulic sluicing to build a dam while construing the Silver Lake Reservoir in 1906.

10- During his Vancouver production of the drama ‘Flags on the Matterhorn’ he asked Frank Vyvyan, our sound effects expert, for ‘the sound of ice-water sluicing through slots of opaque glass’, and Frank managed it!

11- They hung on until the battering ceased, then ran, slithering in the sluicing torrent of water until they reached the hatch that led below decks.

12- She’d be sluicing her face down with cold water, I assumed, vowing never again to drink so much that she lost control of herself in such an embarrassing, such an appallingly dangerous and potentially disastrous way.

13- It’s midnight in the back streets of the East End, hard rain is sluicing down, and I’m trying to locate the abdo pain’s front door.

14- Wilmot petitioned for a loan of £2,000 for the purpose of enabling them to cut a canal through the Grand Falls for the purpose of sluicing the timber and other lumber in safety from above the said falls to the river below.

15- It had been raining heavily since dawn, water sluicing the gutters of the courtyard, creating rainbows of the patches of oil on the tarmac of the consultants’ car park.

16- Once, desperate for a full night’s sleep, he had accepted her offer of a Valium, sluicing it down with his usual nightcap, and moved about the next morning like a diver walking on the seabed.

17- Long since dried to flecks of powder, the blood of a thousand corpses transformed once more to liquid, sluicing and bubbling from the depths.

18- And she felt, though comfortable in bed, as if she were standing with the rain sluicing all over her, streaming soothing over her breasts and down her thighs, warm and comforting and she hoped that he was not in difficulties on the road and that he was thinking about the rain.

19- It was raining in gushes, sweet soft noisy rain over all the gardens and dusty earth, sluicing the stained pavements, dampening crusty brittle walls, running down the windows.

20- Due to the inherent digging of soil and sluicing involved in artisanal mining, water siltation, erosion, and soil degradation can be an issue in rivers used for mining.

21- Romans used hydraulic mining methods, such as hushing and ground sluicing on a large scale to extract gold from extensive alluvial deposits, such as those at Las Medulas.

22- Excavations at various sites throughout Otago show evidence of an array of mining techniques, including ground sluicing , hydraulic sluicing and hydraulic elevating.

23- Excavations at various sites throughout Otago show evidence of an array of mining techniques, including ground sluicing, hydraulic sluicing and hydraulic elevating.

24- He leaned over, bridging her body with an arm, wondering whether she was asleep, and saw that tears were sluicing her face.

25- Upon receipt of orders from Commander, Service Division 104, “Vestal” weighed anchor and headed out to sea at 15:00, her stem sluicing seaward from Buckner Bay.

26- The people built a new but shallow inlet to connect the flow channel to the dock for sluicing small ships into the basin.

27- Teams of gold prospectors soon congregated in and around the newly founded Fairbanks; they built drift mines, dredges, and lode mines in addition to panning and sluicing .

28- As mining developed from simple methods such as panning and sluicing to a new form of commercialized extraction, hydraulic mining, profits from the petering gold rush made a second leap, earning more profits than those miners in the early years had ever made.

29- He declined a shower, but bathed his face and wounded extremities, delicately sluicing the grit from the palms of his hands.

30- The ensuing drama begins slowly, with the clearly experienced yachtsman patching up the damage and sluicing out the water, but when a massive storm hits, things become deadly serious.

31- As he emerged from the station at place de la Concorde, the rain was hissing down, sluicing the pavements and overflowing the drains.

32- Moore’s role at Rochester Optical will be two-fold with contributions to both the Research & … sluicing and Panning For Gold Astro and I pan and sluice for gold in Snake Creek and Creek 1.

33- I toiled through Latin for a course requirement because meteorology had too much maths in it, and felt the conjugations sluicing out of my brain the instant the exam was over.

34- When he pulled his head back in , he could see a lot better, but blood poured from his ear, sluicing under his collar and down his chest.

35- If this is done it will cost about $2.50 for the labour for ” sluicing ” and a further $2.50 later on for “patching” or evening out the young plants.

36- She was jerked out of her daydream by a shout from the bosun: the crew were sluicing down the deck, and she was in danger of getting her feet wet.

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