slovenliness in a sentence

Use ‘slovenliness’ in a sentence | ‘slovenliness’ example sentences

1- In most people’s cases it’s pure slovenliness .

2- Such is the spinelessness and moral slovenliness of our times.

3- He will tell you ‘ slovenliness ‘ and ‘vulgarity.

4- Those track pants suggest slovenliness or an unhealthy interest in The Royal Tenenbaums.

5- When will the gentleman’s gentleman lose patience with the slovenliness of his master?

6- They grow bellies as big as bowling balls , their slovenliness repulsing the parents.

7- Opened ones, sitting on desks, couches, lawn chairs in the yard, reek of slovenliness to me.

8- He took me home and his mother regaled me with a litany of horror about his stinky socks and overall slovenliness .

9- In a general way, in Rome at this time, a long beard was considered a mark of slovenliness and squalor.

10- This slovenliness prepares the ground for the merging of the two concepts. (A similar distinction can be made to contrast ‘punishment’ with ‘negative reinforcer,’ that is, one punishes persons for acts, not acts per se.

11- Who knows how many quarrels, false accusations, unnecessary dismissals, how many promising careers cut short can be attributed to a butler’s slovenliness at the stage of drawing up the staff plan?

12- slovenliness may at any time be cured by an effort of resolution, but a graceful carriage requires an early habit, and in most cases the aid of the dancing-master.

13- Not everyone approved of potatoes, and William Cobbett, the irascible journalist and political agitator, wrote in his Cottage Economy in 1823, that potato growing ‘is the root of slovenliness , filth, misery and slavery’!

14- He cast off his home and his country because he was disgusted by its slovenliness of intellectual outlook, although he was certain (with his gifts) of success and reputation had he remained in his own land; and he was wholly unknown and unsupported when he attempted to browbeat London.

15- Hogarth contrasts their fussiness and high fashion with the slovenliness of the group on the other side of the road; the rotting corpse of a cat that has been stoned to death lying in the gutter that divides the street is the only thing the two sides have in common.

16- If the child obeys the Id, and the parents yield, he or she might develop a self-indulgent personality characterized by personal slovenliness and environmental disorder.

17- At Florence in 1740 she visited Horace Walpole, who cherished a great spite against her, and exaggerated her eccentricities into a revolting slovenliness (see “Letters”, ed.

18- The two Jowle brothers sat opposite Melanie and Victoria, like a moral picture contrasting tidiness with slovenliness , for Francie was already painfully neat in his suit and a fresh, green tie, stabbed through, today, with a different tiepin, a small dagger.

19- Her slovenliness was a state of mind, the exteriorisation of her despair, and he saw all her faults as having the same root: bad company, bad education, bad conditions.

20- The greatest enemy to bacteria was found by … more ” They say that patience is a virtue , but these eight inventions prove that laziness, slovenliness , clumsiness and pure stupidity can be virtues, too 1.

21- He said little, as might have been expected, although one of his obiter dicta is remarkable both for its potential value, had it been publicly known, to the Soviet apologists of 1939-40, and for the slovenliness , almost the vulgarity, of language for the occasion.

22- Orwell warned in 1946 that the English language ‘becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.’

23- ) Even the Lady is not above some skillfully aimed scatology: The poem ends with the woman telling the frustrated Swift, who’s threatened to write a poem blaming his inabilities on her slovenliness , “I’m glad you’l write / You’l furnish paper when I shite.

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