sloth in a sentence

Use ‘sloth’ in a sentence | ‘sloth’ example sentences

1- sloth bears are among the least known bear species.

2- sloth bears are extremely fond of honey.

3- Ground sloths often fed in open fields.

4- In this sense sloth is directly opposed to charity.

5- A very cute book about a very cute sloth !

6- Bengal tigers will occasionally prey on sloth bears.

7- sloth bears have a great vocal range.

8- This sanctuary was mainly created for the conservation of sloth bears.

9- Failing to develop spiritually is key to becoming guilty of sloth .

10- The officer was examining exiting Russians with all deliberate sloth .

11- These species include the giant sloths and the terror birds.

12- There is very little guarantee against fraud and sloth in world capitalism.

13- There is no room for sloth or selfishness.

14- The crew spotted two sloth in a tree.

15- The sloth sees Heart and retreats in fear.

16- He is accompanied by a sloth named Belt.

17- Kristen Bell has a thing for sloths .

18- They each are connected to a demon like lust or sloth .

19- Asian elephants apparently do not tolerate sloth bears in their vicinity.

20- Dhole packs occasionally attack Asiatic black bears and sloth bears.

21- He may choose to be a sloth his entire life.

22- Notable among these are the giant sloth and the horse.

23- Officers in British India often kept sloth bears as pets.

24- sloths’ claws serve as their only natural defense.

25- Ted Cruz is a sloth of the highest kind .

26- Administrative sloth is despicable as is ministerial lack of vision and guidance .

27- sloth bears may scavenge on tiger kills.

28- This camera should be called, Tree sloth thousand.

29- While mainland sloths will fight with you or.

30- sloths are very sturdily built and rarely die from a fall.

31- So it’s not sloth as such.

32- The New Testament also speaks about sloth .

33- sloth bears were also occasionally speared on horseback.

34- sloth bears sometimes attack humans who encroach on their territories.

35- It turns out hugging baby sloths is an actual JOB.

36- While sloth is sometimes defined as physical laziness, spiritual laziness is emphasized.

37- Can military manoeuvres tackle Britain’s sloth problem?

38- Left: The intimidating finish of sloth .

39- Christina: I really enjoyed ” sloth ” as well. The sloth is considered to be the laziest animal in the world.

40- The sloth is widely regarded as the slowest, laziest animal in the world.

41- A sloth is the slowest moving animal on the planet, and at its top speed, would take 15 minutes to cross a four-lane road.

42- Summary Fossil of giant sloth on display at the Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, from the contributor’s personal photo collection.

43- The maned sloth (Bradypus torquatus), also known as the ai /ˈɑː.

44- P. S. Martin (2005) In the south, the giant ground sloth flourished until about 10,000 years ago.

45- Yoshino reveals that Kosaburo interfered with her past missions when it came to the info of the Code Key of sloth.

46- Franklin pilots sloth BattleArmor, as well as AWS-9M Awesome and HTM-27T Hatamoto-Chi ‘Mechs.

47- In 1799, Dr. Caspar Wistar correctly identified the remains as belonging to a giant ground sloth.

48- Jannar Jannar Jannar was an arboreal (sloth) representative of the multi-species race Xindi in the Xindi Council.

49- A large pelvis found at Domo de Zaza may indicate the presence of another, even larger sloth; alternatively, I. zazae may have been variable in size.

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