slope in a sentence 3

Use ‘slope’ in a sentence | ‘slope’ example sentences

101- Large “airline” (transport) type aircraft, are flown on a 3 degree slope or glidepath.

102- Debris avalanches can also travel well past the foot of the slope due to their tremendous speed.

103- The Molly Hogan is a slow lift running over the bunny slope, for use by those just learning to ski.

104- An isocline (from κλίνειν or klinein, meaning ‘to lean or slope‘) is a line joining points with equal slope.

105- The Weber River also starts on the north slope of the Uinta Mountains and flows into the east edge of the lake.

106- Park uplands are dominated by pinyon-juniper woodland, sagebrush shrubland and western slope grassland communities.

107- The Long Creek Research Natural Area on the south slope of Wiley Ridge is also protected within the wilderness boundary.

108- This basin lies on the eastern slope of the Coastal Mountain Range and forms the upper watershed of the Morice- Bulkley Rivers.

109- The Bouma Sequence specifically describes the medium grained variety, which are usually found in the continental slope or rise setting.

110- Roads were metal roads raised in the middle so that the rain water could slope down into the gutters and did not accumulate on the roads.

111- This geological plain with a slight slope to the southeast is the product of a large continental sea that drained owing to a tectonic shift.

112- Block A is buried under colluvium from a nearby slope and 1.4 m of clay sediment deposited gradually during flooding events from nearby Buttermilk Creek.

113- The brigade of Brig. Gen. John E. Smith made it as far as the slope of the redan, but huddled there, dodging grenades until dark before they were recalled.

114- The municipal area’s elevation varies between roughly 90 m above sea level in the outlying centre of Rodau and just under 300 m on the slope of the Melibokus.

115- The walls are horizontally divided: the walls are perpendicular to a height of approximately 2.3 meters, then, on a small ledge the walls slope slightly inwards.

116- Their dash to attract audiences briefly revitalized Restoration drama, but also set it on a fatal downhill slope to the lowest common denominator of public taste.

117- Where only small- to medium-sized rocks and boulders are expected to fall, the entire slope may be covered with wire mesh, pinned down to the slope with metal rods.

118- Upper slope hardwood-conifer mixed forests Upper slope hardwood-conifer mixed forests are an area of transition between the northern hardwood and the mountain conifer forests.

119- The downward slope may indicate that the rider is traveling towards the realm of the dead and the woman with the scepter may be a female ruler of that realm, corresponding to Hel.

120- Examples would be crossover slope, filter type (e.

121- The kill itself was usually made at a slope or hillside.

122- In areas of higher moisture, a soil slope may obscure the talus.

123- The Hogback and San Pedro Mountains border the slope in the east.

124- The finds were made on a 30 meter long slope below two limestone outcrops.

125- The inner walls have slumped, forming a ledge around the base of the slope.

126- Yerranderrie is taken from two local Aboriginal words meaning slope and summit.

127- Lands ASRC holds title to approximately acres (0 km 2 ) of Alaska’s North slope.

128- On a long geroasă will walk 12 km to the shower and back to the mid-slope ajutorul.

129- The O is painted on the southern slope of South Table Mountain, and stands for Oroville.

130- Seven enemy were killed on the slope and 30 on the top in huge craters caused by the Tennessee..

131- The collapsed western slope that forms the other half of its Caldera like crater can also be seen.

132- The slope was subsequently abandoned, and an adjacent facility, for the ski jumps, fell into disuse.

133- Skiing The centre has an all-year-round dry ski slope offering skiing, snowboarding and tobogganing.

134- There are many cliffs and gorges in Jinfo Mt., the north slope is steep and the south slope is slight.

135- Their spreading colonizing habit can be used for some slope stabilization and erosion control measures.

136- In some cases, permeable asphalt or concrete can be used to improve drainage in the cross slope transitions.

137- The windshield was more highly sloped than that of the 182, similar to the deep slope of the 177 windshield.

138- Malbolge Malbolge was originally an endless rocky slope where rockslides and avalanches of boulders were common.

139- When a slope possesses this angle, its shear strength perfectly counterbalances the force of gravity acting upon it.

140- The rain shadow of the Sierra causes the eastern slope to be warmer and drier: each life zone is higher in the east.

141- The Bering Canyon is the longest of the Bering Sea canyons; it extends about 400 km across the Bering shelf and slope.

142- An adhesion railway would have used miles (0 km) to overcome the slope and would have also overrun the 200,000 £ budget.

143- Orographic precipitation is similar, except the upwards motion is forced when a moving airmass encounters a rising slope.

144- Muddy floods are therefore a hill slope process, and confusion with mudflows produced by mass movements should be avoided.

145- Topography Natural Environment From Yonge Street eastward, the roads slope upward but plateau as they reach Bayview Avenue.

146- In 1966, Alaska Natives protested a Federal oil and gas lease sale of lands on the North slope which were claimed by Natives.

147- This is a crudely circular crater with inner walls that slope down to the relatively darker (lower albedo ) interior central floor.

148- Ribs are undivided, smooth, moderately concave, and slope forward on the ventro-lateral region to form chevrons pointing toward the aperture.

149- An escarpment is a steep slope or long cliff that occurs from erosion or faulting and separates two relatively level areas of differing elevations.

150- The inner walls of Chaffee do not have a well-formed terrace system, and they slope downward to debris piles that extend part way across the floor.

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