sloes in a sentence

Use ‘sloes’ in a sentence | ‘sloes’ example sentences

1- Hazel nuts, apples, pears, sloes and acorns were collected.

2- The pupils of her eyes, black as sloes , dilated a little.

3- sloes are nice in jelly, but nicest of all in sloe gin!

4- I’d never heard of sloes , but they sound lovely, thanks for the introduction!

5- There are also thickets of juniper, boxwood, sloes , holly and cistus.

6- Foraging the hedgerows for sloes can result in the perfect homebrew for over the winter months.

7- When on the bank of Inny, Brigit was given a gift of apples and sweet sloes .

8- On the other hand Elderberries , sloes and similar wild or hybrid prunus species are a bit sparse.

9- The country becomes lusher, with both ordinary mulberries and the king mulberry, plums, sloes and soft apples.

10- Broad beans are available until the first frost, whenever that might occur, sloes and sea buckthorn are best afterwards.

11- Rose hips wreath their way through the arms of blackthorn , with their sloes ready to bring the best out of gin.

12- The same with blackthorn berries, the famous sloes , as it in the past I would often meet people at the local line of bushes intent, as I was, on making sloe gin or sloe whisky.

13- The berries of blackthorn – called sloes – are a main component of sloe gin, but there are always variations worth trying such as sloe whisky or even sloe vodka.

14- Once more Daisy was knocked out by the fecundity of everything, the blackthorn purple with sloes , plump hazel nuts already shredded by squirrels, elderberries shiny as caviar hanging like shower fittings from their crimson stems.

15- Einkorn wheat is harvested in the late summer, and sloes in the autumn; these must have been stored from the previous year.

16- The vole had eaten seeds and nuts and because it sensed the long winter to come it had eaten a little of everything: acorns, hazels, haws, hips, sweet catkins, sour apples, sharp sloes , soft blackberries.

17- Meantime, don’t throw away the sloes that have been steeping in the gin; use them instead to make a wicked fruit pie with the bitter taste of sloe sweetened by the addition of sugar.

18- Fruit on Blackthorn ( sloes ), Elder , Bramble , Hawthorn and Wild Rose is ripe and easy to see, and the Apple trees are dropping windfalls.

19- In just one day, you’ll learn how to identify and use over forty wild food plants, flowers, seaweeds and shellfish in season: rosehips, blackberries, watercress, sloes , carrigeen, mussels, sweet chestnuts… and maybe a few edible mushrooms, depending on the weather.

20- For the fox not only declares that the grapes he cannot get are sour: he also insists that the sloes he can get are sweet.

21- The Willow-herbs and Thistles are starting to go to seed, and we noticed a few ripening sloes . A particularly fine grass species in one of the trapping sites has still to be firmly identified.

22- At this very moment I am making jelly, not quince but sloe jelly and my kitchen smells of damsons with a hint of vanilla and every few minutes I have this strange urge to stick my nose in the steam wafting off the cooking sloes .

23- sloes are mainly used in Britain for Sloe gin, which is very good!!

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