skittering in a sentence

Use ‘skittering’ in a sentence | ‘skittering’ example sentences

1- My tape recorder went skittering across the cabin.

2- Her attack of skittering panic had been unnecessary and foolish.

3- There are schools of baitfish skittering along the surf here .

4- The pistol fell to the floor, skittering across the tile.

5- Just the thought sent her heart rate skittering out of control.

6- Something whistled by overhead; he heard the footsteps skittering away again.

7- I shine my pocket torch onto hundreds of crabs skittering into the sea.

8- You hear them skittering over the tin roof at night looking for ways in .

9- Bouncing hair and skittering skirt lends movement that gives an uplifting image to the figure .

10- The teams play all afternoon, ball skittering across pools left by the tide’s retreat.

11- The kits hearing us coming went skittering back to their pens and into the nestboxes.

12- Unlike the Sutton formula there were no hooks to send your eye skittering round the page.

13- Here , Richy pitches skittering hi-hats and hyperactive synth movements atop a robust bassline foundation.

14- The officer had dismounted from the grey horse which was skittering nervously at the road s edge.

15- He let his fingers tangle in its brightness, sending jolts of electricity skittering across her scalp.

16- He greeted her, his eyes falling on her again for an instant and then skittering away.

17- Those crustaceans skittering about in the fridge , as if sensing their impending doom, unnerved her.

18- A sudden movement or an abrupt noise will send them skittering back to the safety of the water.

19- These skittering baits were fabricated by a Carolina craftsman several years ago and pawned off as early Enterprise lures.

20- Autumn passes away in the skittering leaves that fly just out of reach, like so many summer days.

21- Then the bacteria race around the network in great swarms, skittering along the fibers with their glue-tipped legs.

22- The only sharp sounds come from the barrage of skittering beats, plus some space lasers and the like.

23- If we send the performers skittering , we won’t discover how the films unfold when left to play undisturbed.

24- One of those cuts is the skittering and bubbly ” What I Like,” an ode to clumsy love.

25- The weight of the shot drew it down through the grating and out of his sight like a skittering lizard.

26- Rory cursed softly as the sudden voice made her jump, sending the carefully poised mascara brush skittering over her cheek.

27- Close at hand was the skittering of a small animal through the grass and the dry fragile sound of leaves turning.

28- And a fun song like ‘Blow,’ with its brash lyrics and skittering beat, holds endless remix possibilities.

29- My mind was skittering around the way it does when you’re trying not to think about what’s really happening.

30- It had plucked Mariana from the pillion seat, skittering her against the current like a flat stone skipped across a pond.

31- It too derives from the Op.70 set but is more intricately deployed with the melody lines skittering from hand to hand.

32- And she couldn’t sleep on the floor of the factory with the mice skittering round, and the black beetles everywhere.

33- She swallowed carefully, her mind skittering back to that day at the office when Rebecca had returned unexpectedly and disturbed them.

34- Skot!” and looked over to behold him skittering across the busy street like an agitated chicken, dodging angry, bleating cars.

35- Go slowly–wayward children are forever skittering underfoot–and stop every so often to see ducks and Canada geese swimming along through the heart of the city.

36- My first clear memory is of sitting on the front of his horse as he galloped down a ploughed field, of the earth skittering and turning, and being safe in his arms.

37- Knowing that this day would come, mixed feelings have been skittering around inside me like the little crabs who call the marsh ‘home’.

38- With waves from the Gulf of Mexico crashing just over the dunes and crabs skittering around a tent erected for the groundbreaking, Musk said he expects SpaceX to invest $100 million in the world’s first commercial orbital spaceport during the next three to four years.

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