singular in a sentence 2

Use ‘singular’ in a sentence | ‘singular’ example sentences

51- The counted noun takes indefinite accusative singular.

52- The whole construct is followed by the accusative singular indefinite.

53- These sentences are singular, neuter and either nominative or accusative .

54- This difference is only significant for the accusative singular.

55- In the singular, the instrumental is identical to the accusative .

56- The inflection in singular accusative depends on the inflection in singular nominative.

57- For inanimate nouns, the accusative singular is identical to the nominative singular.

58- He was a superb pilot, with a singular, agile mind .

59- Now, is singular, because all solutions are equivalent up to rigid-body translation.

60- ” * 37. “A language never has more gender categories in nonsingular numbers than in the singular.

61- Sociology should therefore privilege comparison rather than the study of singular independent facts.

62- Evenki pronouns distinguish between singular and plural as well as inclusive and exclusive in the first person.

63- The spherical curve in its non-Euclidian geometry, contains the straight line as a singular occurrence among endless possibilities.

64- The Chichimeca Jonaz refer to themselves and other indigenous as “uza” (singular) or “ézar” (plural), which roughly translates to “Indian.

65- The family were singular for their piety and devotion to the disadvantaged classes, though they were not known for their particular wealth.

66- Some early Middle High German texts have the 2nd person singular ending in “-es” rather than the more common “-est” in all tenses and moods.

67- This singular use of a MIPS implementation produced significant royalties for MTI, sales for NEC, and made MIPS the highest volume 32/64-bit RISC ISA in 1997.

68- Vibrissae (singular: vibrissa), or whiskers, are specialized hairs (or, in certain bird species, specialized feathers ) usually employed for tactile sensation.

69- However, if A is square, it holds that : In conclusion, QR decomposition can be used efficiently to calculate a product of eigenvalues or singular values of matrix.

70- Lapilli (singular: lapillus) means “little stones” in Latin.

71- The original American name for this event is Atlasphere (singular).

72- Homonymy may occur between a word in the singular and another in the plural.

73- ” Buck (1933), p. 185. The genitive singular endings include -is -es and -us *-os.

74- He possessed a singular charm of manner which secured for him at once love and respect.

75- Fish is used either as singular noun or to describe a group of specimens from a single species.

76- “Dramas as singular in theme and temper cannot be strictly called comedies or tragedies”, he wrote.

77- The second-person plural pronoun ghi slowly gained use as a respectful second-person singular form.

78- A hydreuma (singular) is a manned and fortified watering hole or way station along a caravan route.

79- Term origin The Hebrew word Ma’abara (singular) derives from the word ma’avar ( Hebrew : מעבר ‎, transit).

80- ” Karma is “the nominative singular form of the neuter word karman, which means ‘act, action, performance, deed.

81- When valid However, argument by example is valid when it leads from a singular premise to an existential conclusion.

82- Æbleskiver ( Danish meaning apple slices (singular: æbleskive)) are traditional Danish pancakes in a distinctive shape of a sphere.

83- The voiceless alternants appeared in the present and past singular indicative, the voiced alternants in the remaining past tense forms.

84- However, in such cases, the person, number, and (second- or third-person singular) gender of the subject and object are marked on the verb.

85- All verbs must be marked for tense, person and number, and third person-singular subjects and objects are also obligatorily marked for gender.

86- They show singular quickness, vivacity, and humour, while there is no trace of the morbid tendencies too often associated with infant prodigies.

87- So Einstein proposed that the path of a singular solution, like a black hole, would be determined to be a geodesic from general relativity itself.

88- ” Though semantically singular or ambiguous, singular they remains morphologically and syntactically plural (e.g. it still takes plural forms of verbs).

89- By championing in-depth explorations of a living playwright’s body of work, the Company delivers an intimate and immersive journey into the playwright’s singular vision.

90- Here Etzem-essential power is used relative to the Revealed Powers, as the singular essence of the soul is beyond expression as Delight, united with the Divine Atzmus essence.

91- Necessive To express necessity, the word кyлэ, ‘necessary’ is used with the copula verb inflected in the third person singular (in all tenses) with the subject in the dative case.

92- An older English name for bats is flittermice (singular flittermouse), which matches their name in other Germanic languages (for example German Fledermaus and Swedish fladdermus).

93- The 288-page book was ghostwritten by Stephen singular.

94- “singular” may also be a corruption of the French (“sanglier”).

95- In Polish pierogi is actually the plural, pieróg being singular.

96- They are of a singular mind which calls itself “The singularity”.

97- This requires singular focus from every person involved in the record.

98- Numbers 1, 21, 31 etc. are followed by nominative singular рубль, копейка.

99- The Al-Qamus Al-Muhit glosses the term as equivalent to Nawar (singular Nawarī).

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