similarly in a sentence 3

Use ‘similarly’ in a sentence | ‘similarly’ example sentences

99- The new browser will ship with Windows 10, and it will function similarly to Chrome and Firefox.

100- Facebook similarly uses what it gleans from people’s activity on its social network to sell ads.

101- Carsten Brzeski at ING DiBa similarly felt Draghi was “keeping the door open for stepping up QE”.

102- similarly, the State Council – China’s cabinet – broadened a corporate tax cut earlier last week.

103- Only, nobody noticed – because they only had other, similarly rock hard games to compare them to.

104- similarly, we need parents and carers to step in and limit excessive amounts of time spent gaming.

105- Conservation officers believe up to 12 caribou have been similarly shot and abandoned in the area.

106- A hydrology report in 2014 similarly attributed the floods, in part, to farmers draining wetlands.

107- He said he’s spoken with others in his field who were similarly inspired by Nimoy and his character.

108- similarly, when it comes to public expression, we need to promote speech that is both free and fair.

109- Back then, commentators similarly hailed those actions as signs that Moscow was winning the Cold War.

110- similarly, a country is expected to take responsibility and set sail with the winds of global support.

111- similarly more commandments have more addendums unexplainedly added to them.

112- Adornment with jewels and precious stones was similarly regulated.

113- Aeroplane pilots used to wear similarly tinted glasses as haze filters.

114- Patients felt similarly, responding in the affirmative 65% of the time.

115- similarly, neoclassical economics was accused of abstraction and being ahistorical .

116- similarly, speculative philosophy imposed its own metaphysical categories on diverse concrete realities thus making a particular instance ahistorical .

117- That is, until the late Tang, when similarly densely allusive literature again became in vogue.

118- similarly Romney Marsh and Dungeness have been formed by accumulation of alluvium .

119- “E” is pronounced similarly to that in (Am.

120- Marine fish have been similarly valued for centuries.

121- ” Yamada similarly likened all of the singles as “jewels.

122- similarly, New London is named after the Connecticut town.

123- Trains were similarly affected though able to dig out more quickly.

124- similarly, a muleback radio set is used in the opening skirmish scene.

125- similarly, pickup trucks may be more in demand in rural than urban settings.

126- Bowman’s son, William, was similarly apprenticed, as a millwright from 1821.

127- Rome The Romans similarly deployed large forces of cavalry and light infantry.

128- similarly, Orzechowski’s standard word balloon outlines are meticulously uniform.

129- The hindwing is similarly toothed on the termen, which has a bluish inward border.

130- A similarly minimal frown requires only six muscles to lower the corners of the mouth.

131- similarly, economic production becomes more bureaucratic and rationally goal-oriented.

132- similarly, snakebots can move by adapting their shape to different periodic functions.

133- similarly, was is used for what in standard English are contexts for both was and were.

134- similarly, colors may appear to spread into or become assimilated into neighboring areas.

135- similarly, Walser loses his social power when he becomes a clown in the travelling circus.

136- The Korean and Chinese systems have also been similarly changed in the past several years.

137- The company similarly covered Chile after its significant earthquake on February 27, 2010.

138- similarly, division by any power of two 2 k may be performed by right-shifting k positions.

139- similarly, social stressors in the microenvironment are also linked to increased mortality.

140- The I-band behaves similarly to the R-band, with a quick brightening, a plateau and slow decline.

141- similarly, Galton found its teeth to be similar to those of Drinker and Nanosaurus in his 2006 review.

142- similarly, a judge will not grant admissibility to evidence that proves guilt or innocence without a doubt.

143- ” similarly, FGF is being inserted into fibrin sealants to enhance the long term repair and sealing of tissue.

144- similarly, one Thiruppad belonging to Nilamboor Royal Family was also forcibly abducted and converted to Islam.

145- The name is similarly italicized, and in full reference the author plus the year of publication should be cited.

146- similarly, he states he graduated from a high school in Texas, yet again refuses to identify the specific location.

147- similarly, black out-migration from Boston since 2000 resulted in the city’s becoming majority white again by 2006.

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