significations in a sentence

Use ‘significations’ in a sentence | ‘significations’ example sentences

1- The term “civil” has various significations .

2- The accepted significations of the words are secondary.

3- Every house in astrology has been assigned certain significations by the sages.

4- But the examples above just go to show there are multiple significations .

5- In the inner circle are fourteen groups of three letters which have esoteric significations .

6- The most obvious level of psychology’s ambiguous significations is that of its writing.

7- The shinma define major categories and significations both within and Beyond the Wyld.

8- Feminist psychologists have been more aware than others of the ambiguous significations of psychological practices.

9- Its significations were shifted away from the evangelical, nonconformist emphasis of the purity movement.

10- Linguistically, it is a signifier with no referent and a multiplicity of significations .

11- Only skinheads from the same area and time period are likely to interpret the colour significations accurately.

12- In another song, fire,river,sea etc. are symbolically used and they convey ideological significations .

13- Also over three centuries many familiar words have been forgotten while many other have taken on new significations .

14- My righteousness is near – The word ‘righteousness’ is used in a great variety of significations .

15- The detailed analyses they make of unconscious significations can stop them from considering any other kind of explanation.

16- In both these related significations , it is applicable to the holy institution which we are about to observe.

17- The significance of understanding language as writing rather than speech is that signifiers are present in language but significations are absent.

18- Giust-Desprairies, F. (1989) “L’enfant rêvé: significations imaginaires d’une école nouvelle”.

19- The methodological aspects of the sciences of man which were familiar to him were circumscribed by the critique of naturalism, the reflection of conscious life on itself, the understanding of significations , ideation.

20- The philosophy of the Trojan Women within, re-contextualization of this ancient Greek play created new meanings and new significations in a society being affected by a civil war.

21- We have seen that, in a solemn disputation in the same place, he maintained that the Church has no authority, on pretext of decorating divine service, to devise religious ceremonies, and impose upon them arbitrary significations .

22- Therefore, the handheld humanizes the camera and the more expensive steadycam dehumanizes it, but only as a matter of social significations .

23- Animal paintings by artists such as Ward and Cooper contained appropriate nationalist resonances coupled with the new upward directed social significations of agricultural practice desired by these purchasers.

24- They testify to a willingness to inscribe the work of art within a network of signs and significations , instead of considering it an autonomous or original form.

25- Creating external social institutions that give stable form to what Castoriadis terms the “magma” of social significations allows the psyche to create stable figures for the self, and to ignore the constant emergence of mental indeterminacy and alterity.

26- In his work he was always aware of a dialectical relationship, in terms of systems of significations , between the anthropologist as an observer and the lived realities of other peoples.

27- At the same time, the Stoics and the Neoplatonists promoted the moral significations of the mythological tradition, often based on Greek etymologies.

28- Author Wayne Marshall argues that “Hip hop, as with any number of African-American cultural forms before it, offers a range of compelling and contradictory significations to Jamaican artist and audiences.

29- The planetary significations follow the logic of their humoral associations, so that Jupiter (associated with warmth and moisture, an humoral combination which promotes growth) gives largeness in bodily form.

30- This offers a comprehensive review of ethnic stereotypes, eclipses, significations of comets and seasonal lunations, as used in the prediction of national economics, wars, epidemics, natural disasters and weather patterns.

31- The continual progress and changes of use in regard to names, figures, and symbols among the Gnostic sects need not puzzle us any more than the circumstance, that these names are continually occurring in different connections and significations .

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