significantly in a sentence 2

Use ‘significantly’ in a sentence | ‘significantly’ example sentences

50- During the War of the Roses, the production of music in England declined significantly.

51- The ecosystem of the forest is upset significantly when too many trees are removed at once.

52- In Japan, employment opportunities are significantly lower for women than they are for men.

53- The value of the yen on international markets has declined significantly over the past year.

54- The price for CD burners has decreased significantly since they first appeared on the market.

55- During the War of the Roses, the production of music in England declined significantly.

56- decorateWearing a seat belt significantly reduces your chance of serious injury or death in a car crash.

57- The discovery of uranium in Niger has significantly boosted the African nation’s export revenues.

58- The purchase price for digital cameras is expected to drop significantly over the next five years.

59- Researchers have found that allergy sufferers experience a significantly reduced ability to learn.

60- Improvements in agricultural techniques have contributed significantly to an overall decline in mortality.

61- The world’s governments have made a joint pledge to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2010.

62- Declining fertility has major consequences for the wider society, such as significantly altering the age structure.

63- Barbados has about 4 million barrels of oil reserves, and exploration is expected to boost this number significantly.

64- Sales in our first year of business were somewhat discouraging, but have improved significantly over the past six months.

65- Research shows that ESL students who read extensively score significantly higher on vocabulary tests than those who do not.

66- Government statistics show that workers in unionized companies earn significantly more money than non-unionized workers do.

67- The students’ punctuality improved significantly once I started giving surprise quizzes from time to time at the beginning of class.

68- If the bus company lowered fares and improved service, I think the number of commuters riding the buses would increase significantly.

69- You need at least four to six months in a country in order to have an opportunity to significantly improve your skills in a second language.

70- Shipments of cereal grains to poor countries declined significantly during the late 1990s due to reduced contributions by the United States.

71- Studies show that violent crime rates are significantly higher in the U.S. than in Canada, with evidence that this gap is widening.

72- Recent studies suggest that overweight children exhibit an economy of motion, and expend significantly less energy in their daily activities than normal-weight children.

73- Implementing detective measures limits our perception significantly.

74- And Carson’s book sales benefit significantly from his political rise.

75- Inflation isn’t likely to move higher until wages go up significantly.

76- The one area where his numbers were down significantly was touchdowns.

77- Both churches had been significantly damaged by water, smoke and heat.

78- But I do think it’s fair to expect them to not regress significantly.”

79- 396947It is critical to significantly broaden the tax base, Rice said.”

80- Lewis said this significantly improves the patient’s chance for survival.

81- That market exchange rate would significantly reduce Koryolink’s profits.

82- The European Union has significantly contributed to the lives of everyone.

83- The storms were expected to calm significantly from Tuesday through Friday.

84- It is significantly smaller than the sun and has only an eighth of its mass.

85- He also denied that women in the church had been significantly marginalized.

86- He adds that the Dehcho has significantly higher membership than those groups.

87- “First of all, our defense was significantly better than before,” Sybeldon said.

88- That means the bill might be significantly bigger by the time the debate’s done.

89- In all 31 countries, women are significantly less likely to know an entrepreneur.

90- You have heard the narrative countless times, and the details vary significantly.

91- But that figure was significantly higher for people who didn’t finish high school.

92- The 4,500-square-foot space is significantly larger than its sister establishment.

93- “Immigration has significantly helped employers meet evolving labour market needs.

94- Most significantly, it was getting harder and harder for her to breathe and cough.

95- But the proposals could still change significantly, it quoted the sources as saying.

96- This has significantly lifted yen-denominated profit margins for Japanese exporters.

97- 660073Temperatures have been significantly cooler than the seasonal norms for 2015.

98- In this way, the group claimed it could reduce the cost of the stadium significantly.

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