sidewall in a sentence

Use ‘sidewall’ in a sentence | ‘sidewall’ example sentences

1- The sidewalls are removable to allow easy service access.

2- One type of sidewall cores is percussion cores.

3- The same is true of sidewall damage.

4- Provide sidewalls 10 inches or higher above the substrate line.

5- The same goes if the sidewall failed.

6- A slot is cut in the sidewall to allow coupling.

7- sidewall deflection is not a direct measurement of rolling friction.

8- Also check the sidewalls of the tires.

9- The tread wear rating can be found on the tire sidewall .

10- Then, the sidewalls may collapse and reduce the airway.

11- They can occur on the inner or outer sidewall .

12- Check that the tyre’s sidewall isn’t cut.

13- Warm, dry conditions follow and “bake” this sidewall tight.

14- I got 4000-5000 miles on them before having sidewall problems.

15- The pressure rating of tires is usually stamped somewhere on the sidewall .

16- That ‘s not a problem with sidewalls .

17- SU-8 is a high aspect ratio resist which produces vertical sidewalls .

18- The smooth sidewalls of modern boxcars are often used for advertising slogans.

19- Brake drums are less susceptible to wear than lightweight wheel rim sidewalls .

20- Movable sections of steel forms were used for the sidewalls .

21- These tires typically feature strong, load-supporting sidewalls .

22- I drifted over and clipped a rock ripping out the sidewall .

23- In addition, they were fabricated with corrugated sidewalls .

24- Bulges and depressions in the sidewall are such defects.

25- Reverse angle: a boast where the opposite sidewall is hit first.

26- These savings are realized because less energy is wasted flexing fewer tire sidewalls .

27- The recommended pressures are normally marked on the sidewall of the tyre.

28- Seed disk openers cause sidewall compaction in wet soils.

29- In such case using the sidewalls for passing and bank shots is allowed.

30- Tires with sidewalls made of natural rubber are called “gum wall”.

31- The conventional gable roof and sidewalls allow maximum interior space and air circulation.

32- I ‘m just wondering: Why stop with the sidewall ?

33- These are easy to fit and do not wear the tire sidewall .

34- For example if the overpressure hits the sidewall of the capsule .

35- sidewall cores are deformed and compacted and fractured by the bullet impact.

36- An outsole with sidewalls that ‘cup’ the foot.

37- The sidewall structure is primarily reinforced with hot-formed ultra-high-strength materials.

38- sidewall protector ribs help protect the casing from curbing damage and abrasion.

39- Quonset sidewall height is low, which restricts storage space and headroom.

40- The sidewall itself is thicker, and stronger materials are used in casing construction. sidewall Bulge and Depression is also referred to as bulge and dent, and bumpy sidewall.

41- The sidewall, in conjunction with the air inflation, also supports the load of the vehicle.

42- The sidewall transmits the torque applied by the drive axle to the tread in order to create traction.

43- sidewall The sidewall of the casing, the part not intended to contact the ground, may receive one of several treatments.

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