shut in a sentence 3

Use ‘shut’ in a sentence | ‘shut’ example sentences

101- It’s too late to shut the barn door after the horse is stolen.

102- The entire town was made redundant when the factory shut down.

103- The play was a total flop, and was shut down after three days.

104- Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.

105- The little boy shut his eyes during the scary part of the movie.

106- Camels are able to shut their nostrils during a desert sandstorm.

107- Would you mind if I shut the window?

108- I have a slight cold.

109- An old proverb advises, “Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.

110- “The play totally bombed, and was shut down after only three nights.

111- She had to shut down her website due to time and budget constraints.

112- The lock on the garden shed has rusted shut, and I can’t get it open.

113- I tried to shut out the noise of the traffic, but it was of no avail.

114- Please keep the windows shut.

115- I don’t want any flies coming in.

116- The weatherman failed to predict the blizzard which shut down the town.

117- The ferries were temporarily shut down due to high winds this afternoon.

118- The robbers stuffed a sock in the bank manager’s mouth and taped it shut.

119- I woke up in the middle of the night when the window suddenly banged shut.

120- Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote, “My eyes make pictures when they are shut.

121- “The wind blew the door shut with great force, startling everyone in the room.

122- When she looked, he shut the door and locked her into the totally dark closet.

123- The robbers stuffed rags in the mouths of the bank tellers and taped them shut.

124- The door of the car snapped shut when I got out to put a letter in the mailbox.

125- When the mother tried to put the spoon in her baby’s mouth, he quickly shut it.

126- The patient’s outer ear canal was swollen shut, and was very painful to the touch.

127- Find someone who has tried to walk around the house with his/her eyes shut.

128- shuttleHenry was uncharacteristically quiet at today’s meeting, usually the guy just won’t shut up!A fire inspector shut down the nightclub because it didn’t have enough emergency exits.

129- Inspectors have shut down a couple of local restaurants due to concerns over cleanliness.

130- An old proverb notes that it’s too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.

131- Emile Zola once said that if you shut up truth, and bury it underground, it will still grow.

132- An old proverb notes that it’s too late to shut the stable door after the horse has escaped.

133- A show of erotic art was shut down by the city after some people complained that it was obscene.

134- Rabindranath Tagore once stated that if you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out.

135- The lock itself is a normal cylinder lock so it doesn’t automatically lock when you shut the door.

136- Sylvia Plath wrote, “I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead, I lift my eyes and all is born again.

137- “As a safety feature, this machine has a special mechanism which will shut it off if it begins to overheat.

138- There is a Yiddish proverb which tells us that a hero is someone who can keep his mouth shut when he’s right.

139- My hair’s messed up this morning.

140- At least lend me a hand mirror it should be shut in the drawer there.

141- Since 1997, 13,000 forest workers have lost their jobs, and 27 mills have shut down in British Columbia.

142- millionJames Boswell once wrote, “In sleep the doors of the mind are shut, and thoughts come jumping in at the windows.

143- “The Opposition charged that the government was not acting constitutionally when it shut down debate of the issue.

144- When giving a presentation, shut the curtains in the room so that people in the audience don’t stare out the windows.

145- The snow was quite light at first, but by late morning it had turned into a blizzard, and all the ski lifts had to be shut down.

146- Callers to the radio station jammed the telephone lines to complain about the government’s plans to shut down some local schools.

147- The main industry in the town was the pulp and paper mill, and when it shut down, there was nothing left to keep the people there.

148- Ernest Hemingway once advised, “Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk.

149- That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.

150- “The company was shut down after it was discovered that they were hiring illegal immigrants to work for pay which is below the minimum wage.

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