shushing in a sentence

Use ‘shushing’ in a sentence | ‘shushing’ example sentences

1- We do not spend our days shushing people and dusting books!

2- He made a sharp shushing gesture.

3- Behind your mam and dad’s house the black fell folds in, shushing poetry.

4- She listened to the silence, beyond the shushing of the leaves and calls of beasts.

5- The ‘machinery’ noises faded to an irritating occasional ‘ shushing ‘ noise in one ear.

6- I went back to it carefully, stroking it gently and making shushing noises with my mouth.

7- By simply shushing directly into the ear of your baby can help in calming him or her down.

8- Rohmer began to make shushing noises as if Gilbert was a child who needed to be restrained for sleep.

9- Smiling to herself, she listened to the hissed shushing that ensued as Mrs B. tried to impart her news.

10- To his left was dense blackness, although from out there somewhere he could hear the gentle shushing of the waves.

11- When the people behind started shushing us, she just turned round, showed them a smile and that silenced them.

12- Staff librarians were encouraged to see themselves as co-instructors with the regular faculty and to put less emphasis on shushing library patrons.

13- All at once people began ‘ shushing ‘ and those who were not ‘shushing‘ were commenting on Mum’s behaviour.

14- All at once people began ‘shushing‘ and those who were not ‘ shushing ‘ were commenting on Mum’s behaviour.

15- Have I mentioned libraries ? Choose carefully…as a librarian myself I long ago rejected the ” shushing and stamping” school of library work.

16- I found myself shushing the critic in the back of my mind and just enjoying the storylines and regional charm that Taylor puts into her books.

17- They then worked their way through the tall brush as quietly as possible, the dried tree limbs, palm fronds, and tall grasses shushing against their bodies.

18- The mix is really dense on this cut, and it’s fun to try to isolate all the musical components, whether they are whooshing and shushing sounds, soft synth strings, or other things out on the periphery.

19- And finally, as she went to bed, she heard them singing softly, shushing each other and giggling, as one clear voice (Sue’s, she recognized) carried on the melody.

20- After sneezing on her fingers, which makes her cry, Angry Kid tries to quiet her by hugging and shushing her, unaware that she’s rubbing the snot onto his face.

21- When he opened his mouth, presumably to tell her, and confuse her further, she halted him with a shushing gesture.

22- Her father’s anguish, as he’d shouted those words at her mother, had pierced her to the quick, her mother’s shushing noises hardly heard as she’d crept away to her room to hide.

23- We have friends over on the weekends ( there’s usually about 7 of us) and we often talk loudly but try to keep quiet after 10 and never have loud music, and I am always shushing them.

24- The ” Five S’s” include: swaddling tightly in a blanket; being laid sideways or on the stomach while awake; shushing ; swinging back and forth; and sucking on something, often a pacifier, USA Today reported.

25- I had that book too when my fussy baby was born and I can not tell you how many hours I spent swaddling and shushing and, um, what were the other S’s?

26- The test is would a reasonable person , upon overhearing a juvenile dongle joke, post a shaming photo and then follow it up with a hyperbolic shaming blog post promoting herself as Joan of Arc and saviour of children – and all without first shushing the fools?

27- In many of these minds, the public library is stuck with an antiquated image of stern ladies shushing noisy kids, retirees borrowing the latest bestsellers and — more recently — homeless folk camping out in a heated corner.

28- People around him began shushing him, which made him louder, which brought down an usher who, amazingly, got the guy to be quiet.

29- It’s not just that the Aggies hate BYU, and were 12 minutes away from shushing all those who denied their being a rivalry between the Aggies and Cougars.

30- Word is that Margaret Wienk has babysitting references on her resume, and I can only imagine how the little angelic faces of her clients slipped softly into a warm slumber under her shushing voice.

31- 10.00 pm GMT And Jose Mourinho does the shushing sign.

32- shushing herself:: calm down Jennifer…

33- ‘Christ!’ she said, and the next moment, forgetful of her own safety, she had Maggie in her arms, shushing and soothing as she had never in her life done before.

34- A couple of tracks are gimmicks (“ŞŞŞŞT,” where she keeps shushing him as he plays louder and louder) but they’re mercifully brief, and the overall effect is as powerful as it is disquieting. (DBW)

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