shirks in a sentence

Use ‘shirks’ in a sentence | ‘shirks’ example sentences

1- He never shirks nor grumbles at hardships.

2- Mr Morrison is not a man who shirks from controversial issues.

3- She never shirks her duty and is the greatest of team players.

4- Tracy gets piercings, begins drinking and using drugs, and shirks her homework.

5- I agree that much of the media shirks its responsibility of informing the public .

6- Whoever shirks his work or feigns physical deficiency or disease with the aim of being idle.

7- Carcetti shirks his task and plays darts in the office with the phone off the hook.

8- Such a character who shirks responsibility would be considered “effeminate” by seventeenth-century Venetian standards.

9- Satan is merciless in his hatred of men ; therefore he never shirks from warring against every man.

10- As result, the shirks had to compete with French for Catlow Valley grazing land and water.

11- She shirks the restrictions of the traditional woman’s role by moving to Osaka to reclaim her independence.

12- The main character, Marc Antony, shirks his political duty for the sake of his love relationship with Cleopatra.

13- At his best, Will is clever, heroic, and courageous and never shirks responsibility or leaves an obligation unfulfilled.

14- Unfortunately , once a coward shirks their responsibility to persevere, the damage is permanent loss of ground to the enemy.

15- After a major accident on the Rio Norte line of the Taggart Transcontinental railroad, CEO James Taggart shirks responsibility.

16- A Chaotic Neutral character is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, and generally shirks rules and traditions.

17- That’s not to suggest for a moment that D’Ascoli shirks from the darker side of these amazing pieces.

18- Yet here, this narrative shirks the usual format of conventional museum retrospectives, which offer a systematic – and often chronological – presentation of the evolution of an artist’s oeuvre.

19- Power said: “Russia continues to hold the council hostage and shirks its international responsibilities.” She blamed the structure of the security council, which lets five major nations hold veto power Russia, the United States, China, France and Britain.

20- The man of few gifts who faithfully carries out the responsibilities of his office is better than the man of many gifts who scatters his efforts or who in any way shirks his responsibilities.

21- Registrar Greg Douglas (Edward MacLiam) shirks his responsibilities by excessively delegating to Oliver; to his dismay, Connie appoints him as Oliver’s mentor.

22- There are 113 registered voters in the Smoke Hole, and of these 81 are members of one of seven families, all early settlers, the Alts, Ayres, Judys, Kimbles, Selfs, Shreves, and shirks , with the Kimble clan alone boasting 29 votes.

23- The cartoon lampoons African American religious beliefs to the backdrop of jazz music and tells the story of a rural black man who shirks church on Sunday in favor of worldly pastimes and finds himself in Hell as a result.

24- Although she is now rightfully the ruler of the Makai, she shirks her responsibilities and seeks to continue her hedonistic and thrill-seeking life as before.

25- A gambler and drinker, Jake prefers living in luxury and ease and shirks work with a passion, which irks Call mightily.

26- Himmelstoß later joins them at the front, revealing himself as a coward who shirks his duties for fear of getting hurt or killed, and pretends to be wounded because of a scratch on his face.

27- I’ve often heard Mauricio say that a certain Player had a good training session and he was preferred to X Player and perhaps this is the reason Dani has not been in the first team at Juventus, he could be a Player who shirks and hates Training even though he knows it part of his job.

28- Allegheny, BC: transformative theatre that shirks corporate culture With six internationally acclaimed albums and a well-received book of poetry to his name, Rodney DeCroo is turning his talents to the theatre.

29- Maybe it was mere coincidence that Friday was a big news day; but it looks to me like the Fish Wrapper, the City That shirks , and the State That Wastes kept some choice Friday night dumps out of the slops bucket until after Bognarök.

30- Its funny that you slate Rambo then go on to say that Walcott is one of our players that plays with the most urgency when he routinely disappears from games and sometimes shirks his defensive duties , when in fact its Ramsey who is one of our players who plays with the most urgency.

31- “Yeah, but everyone shirks their responsibilities, don’t they?

32- “Like Messiaen, the Maltese composer Charles Camilleri rarely shirks the big issues.

33- Either he shirks commanding a squad, or he is incompetent to do so.”

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