shattered in a sentence

Use ‘shattered’ in a sentence | ‘shattered’ example sentences

1- Her whole world view had just been shattered .

2- His whole skull shattered into several pieces.

3- An illusion of safety has been shattered .

4- The monolithic bloc of world communism had shattered .

5- Their cherished myth of hockey superiority had been shattered .

6- This is why trees are often shattered by lightning strikes.

7- The shattered infrastructure and destroyed cities were rebuilt.

8- We must rebuild our shattered homeland ourselves.

9- It left trees cracked and windows shattered .

10- One shot shattered a police car windscreen.

11- We drove home completely shattered emotionally and physically .

12- The film has shattered all previous records .

13- That sucker shattered into about 30 pieces.

14- Its pipes were broken and the keyboard shattered .

15- His expectations were shattered on this mass.

16- His death shattered these hopes and dreams.

17- The crack of gunfire shattered his thoughts.

18- The bullet shattered his train of thought.

19- Without a place to live basic family life is shattered .

20- Even more than the image was shattered .

21- Everything fixed had shattered into particles and geometric forms.

22- He left a pregnant wife and shattered family.

23- The earth cracked like a shattered windscreen.

24- Our sliding glass door was destroyed and the glass shattered .

25- They said nobody survived that posting without getting his nerves shattered .

26- The vision of the prophets seemed shattered .

27- They shine a light though the shattered window glass.

28- That faith is shattered in a major.

29- His entire body is shattered and he dies.

30- He underwent surgery for a shattered left heel.

31- Nina tried to piece together her shattered life.

32- Such persons were shattered by the killings.

33- In other words the material has shattered .

34- I feel absolutely shattered to be quite honest.

35- Their search is still on and hopes shattered .

36- I am shattered and in emotional distress .

37- Our usual patterns and ways of thinking are shattered .

38- Windows shattered and lead flew around the offices.

39- The girl was now standing above his shattered body.

40- My dream of the religious life is shattered . His hopes were shattered.

41- His head had been shattered by a savage blow from some heavy weapon.

42- After he bumped into the shelf, the priceless china fell and shattered into fragments.

43- The ceasefire was shattered by a deadly bombing in an outdoor market that saw over 20 people killed and hundreds wounded.

44- The back window of a car parked in the driveway next door was shattered.

45- She had lots of glass cuts on her from all the shattered glass,” recalled Kelly.

46- And in the eight days I was there I didn’t see one window that wasn’t shattered.

47- 818470The vehicle was covered in bulletholes, and the rear window was shattered.

48- Much of Langtang is now shattered, covered in a blanket of muck from a landslide.

49- It shattered homes and trees into match sticks, and killed more than 6,000 people.

50- 213164Even if they don’t have to fight, jobs are scarce in the shattered economy.

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