shallowing in a sentence

Use ‘shallowing’ in a sentence | ‘shallowing’ example sentences

1- This resulted in shallowing of the river and slowed down navigation.

2- The shallowing of Balkhash is especially evident in its western part.

3- Dry air soon entered the circulation caused a shallowing in the systems overall convection.

4- This thin interval shows substantial shallowing and is inferred to represent a very thin RST.

5- Particularly as the only result will be a further shallowing of the gene pool .

6- Its facies are indicative of a mixed siliclastic – carbonate shelf environment that is shallowing through time.

7- As is common in most HST deposits, cycles show a general upward shallowing , progradational stacking pattern.

8- Many of these skeletal limestones have been interpreted as the caps of shallowing upward parasequences (small-scale cycles).

9- Ophthalmic findings can include myopia, anterior chamber shallowing , ocular hyperemia (redness) and increased intraocular pressure.

10- The basin was deepening towards the Atlantic and shallowing towards the east, where it terminates before the Aude river.

11- shallowing upward intervals display highly abraded, cross-bedded calcarenites are more typical of RST (Regressive Systems Tracts).

12- This is attributed to shallowing of the sea, increasing navigation activities, pollution, and reduction in the fish population.

13- Moreover, the deep basinal shales of the Utica were succeeded by shallowing upward deposits of flysch and molasse which clearly represented a new source of sediments that originated from an easterly source which was not in place at an earlier time.

14- The HST interval of this sequence is fairly thin but shows, as with lower sequences, an upward shallowing pattern out of the fine-grained shaly lutite cycles of the Rust Quarry beds into bioturbated wackestone to packstones of the upper Prospect Quarry member.

15- On one scale of observation, the Spillway Member represents a single shallowing upward parasequence, it is composed of several smaller-scale cycles that become amalgamated upwards through the loss of shaly interbeds.

16- Instead it is inferred that the Napanee and its faunas record a quiet-water offshore shelf depositional environment, that shows an aggradational to slightly progradational shallowing upward pattern characteristic of a HST.

17- Some anglers add depth to their rigs to take more fish but I have found on the Nene shallowing up can bring better results.

18- About five o’clock in the evening the steep submarine mountain which divides the steep telegraphic plateau from the Irish coast was reached, and the sudden shallowing of water had a very marked effect upon the cable, causing the strain and the speed to lessen every minute.

19- Even within the Trenton Falls locality, there appears to be a series of deepening and shallowing phases indicated by the faunal relative abundances.

20- In other words, Ryan Moore has to perform a compensatory shallowing action at the start of his downswing in order to drop his power package down into an appropriately shallower “slot”.

21- It can see both a large schools of fish toward which a boater would like to steer and large objects or a shallowing bottom to be avoided.

22- Most of the original vegetation and trees were gone by 1900, leading to an increase in siltation and a shallowing of the river.

23- By Kimmeridgian times, the facies differences attenuated due to shallowing of the western domain, resulting in massive, fine-grained, black, lithographic limestones and fine-grained platy limestones.

24- Farther south in the “South Aquitaine Zone”, deep water conditions prevailed in the west, shallowing out towards the east.

25- The loss of natural coastlines might result in the loss of natural habitats and shallowing feeding areas for many inter-tidal creatures that live in shallow sandy bays or on rocky shorelines.

26- The formation of the Forest Marble suggests a shallowing of the sea and the remains of pieces of tree, and bits of land-dwelling animals, are found among the turtles, frogs and salamanders within.

27- Up to five cycles of deposition (representing transgression followed by shallowing of the sea) have been found, most markedly at the shallower, western end.

28- Relative risks of child mortality in social classes I and II in comparison to classes IV and V suggests a progressive shallowing from 2.08 at ages 1-4 to 1.37 at ages 10-15.

29- While the size of the lake is temporarily growing, there is concern about the lake’s shallowing due to desertification and industrial activity.

30- The United States Army Corps of Engineers diverted the Yazoo River in 1903 into the old, shallowing channel to rejuvenate the waterfront.

31- They found that the disparity in sea level variability exhibited at sites in the northern versus southern Bay are due to strong frictional dissipation from shallowing water depth in the northern Bay.

32- The Pacific coastline south of Tokyo is characterized by long, narrow, gradually shallowing inlets produced by sedimentation, which has created many natural harbors.

33- He points to the growth of the Nilotic delta since the time of Homer, to the shallowing of the Palus Maeotis within sixty years from his own time … He alludes … to the upheaving of one of the Eolian islands, previous to a volcanic eruption.

34- Deposits are laterally persistent, evenly bedded limestone and dolomite that is often preserves flat laminations and shallowing upward cycles that are often repeated to great thickness.

35- Doesn’t matter, it’s shallowing anyway.’

36- ( Though that dip was shallowing out to less than 1% by the time this story went to press.

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