Use ‘sewerage’ in a sentence | ‘sewerage’ example sentences
1- A complete system of sewerage has been adopted.
2- Their approach includes creating a proper sewerage network .
3- They provide both water and sewerage services.
4- The sewerage was kept operating by hand bucket flushing of toilets.
5- There was no sewerage system or mains running water.
6- The city had an advanced water system and sewerage .
7- Those connected to sewerage had to pay double.
8- Sydney Water leads the gravity sewerage research.
9- Many houses were completely destroyed and a number flooded by sewerage .
10- It is very difficult to exclude ash from the sewerage system.
11- It operates a sewerage system and a wastewater treatment plant.
12- But no general system of sewerage was yet in existence .
13- sewerage is not common and wastewater treatment even less.
14- However, access to sewerage is only 44%.
15- This is for fixing its water and sewerage systems.
16- Then add on the local charge for sewerage disposal.
17- The sewerage system within the townships is very poorly planned and constructed.
18- Incidentally , sewerage isn’t measured by water companies.
19- Sedimentation problems have never been reported for vacuum sewerage systems.
20- At the local level, municipalities are in charge of sewerage .
21- Thames Water is responsible for all waste water and sewerage provision.
22- They also provide sewerage services in 280 towns (2003).
23- sewerage , where available, is often in a bad state.
24- The plumbing department is kept busy providing water and sewerage connections wherever necessary.
25- Tests have found no issues with surrounding settling ponds or sewerage .
26- Work started on the town’s sewerage system in 1902.
27- Only Tehran has two separate companies for water and sewerage .
28- Water, gas, sewerage , and communications were heavily affected.
29- The town has access to reticulated water and sewerage .
30- There were no roads, shops, or sewerage .
31- But plastic bags remains a big problem for sewerage system and waterways.
32- The city pumps 110 million litres of untreated sewerage to river Ganges.
33- The power cut has caused the failure of sewerage and water plants .
34- Every room featured electric lights, sewerage , and running spring water.
35- Drainage and sewerage services are still scarce.
36- Five years later Horsell obtained a sewerage system.
37- sewerage systems capable of handling storm water are known as combined sewer systems.
38- Ayia Marina has already put in a proper sewerage system.
39- Urban water supply and sewerage is under the Ministry of Construction.
40- In 1899 Woking’s sewerage system was built. Flint had long chafed at the Detroit Water & sewerage Department’s rising prices.
41- About three Uptown families filed a lawsuit against the sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans.
42- The local agencies being sued are the City of Appleton and Neenah-Menasha sewerage Commission.
43- Following a cholera epidemic in 1848 Luton formed a water company and had a complete water and sewerage system by the late 1860s.
44- In February 1856, the Chesbrough plan for the building of Chicago’s and the United States’ first comprehensive sewerage system was approved by the Common Council.
45- There is also underground sewerage system in the Quila http://punjabgovt.
46- The Abu Dhabi sewerage Services Company is a public company in charge of sanitation.
47- In England and Wales water supply and sewerage is supplied almost entirely through ten regional companies.
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