severity in a sentence 2

Use ‘severity’ in a sentence | ‘severity’ example sentences

51- It really is not enough considering the severity of the crime, she said.

52- That kind of made me angry, but I didn’t realize the severity, she said.

53- The weather seems to be generating a lot more storms and severity, he said.

54- Scifres was OK, reluctant to move because of the severity of McCain’s injury.

55- The severity of CMT depends on the specific genetic mutation that has caused it.

56- The WRHA said patients are seen based on the severity and urgency of their condition.

57- It said crew members were injured, without specifying the number hurt or the severity.

58- The shop owner has dealt with a shortage in flavors before, but nothing of his severity.

59- Due to the severity of the man’s injuries he was flown to St George’s Hospital in London.

60- US Secretary of State John Kerry issued a warning about the severity of these allegations.

61- Further testing will determine the severity of the illness and the precise subtype and strain.

62- The first step to managing your PCOS symptoms is understanding the severity of your PCOS symptoMs. Lack of sea ice also means warmer waters, which increase the severity of storms that hit the island.

63- Violence is never acceptable and the sentence served to Hoskins reflects the severity of his actions.

64- With increasing severity of colitis, there was a decreasing ability of adsorbent therapy (terra fullonica) to control systemic endotoxaemia.

65- Longer treatment and study periods would be necessary to investigate the influence of adsorbents on the severity and resolution of the colitis.

66- Perhaps the adversities of our commerce have not yet been pushed to the wholesomest degree of severity.

67- The severity and mode of onset of coma depends on the underlying cause.

68- Syr. t. ii. p. 364. He became remarkable for the severity of his self-discipline.

69- The new church, unlike its Cluniac predecessor, is noted for its plainness and severity.

70- “The severity of Autism Is Associated with Toxic Metal Body Burden and Red Blood Cell Glutathione Levels”.

71- Under modern statutory schemes, battery is often divided into grades that determine the severity of punishment.

72- Car design has been shown to have a large impact on the scope and severity of pedestrian injury in car accidents.

73- The company is based in Delaware and named after the slang for the “severity one” performance problems network managers face.

74- San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons Even in individuals who are homozygous for a mutation, onset and severity of the disease may vary.

75- Guard rail is used to reduce the severity of run-off-road crashes by interposing a barrier that is more forgiving to vehicle occupants.

76- Risk reduction Risk reduction or “optimization” involves reducing the severity of the loss or the likelihood of the loss from occurring.

77- Ionia, p. 225. Harsh laws The Ionians of Craig’s fiction have virtually eliminated crime from their society through extreme severity of punishment.

78- Equus Staff, “Good news about recovery from foal epilepsy”, Equus Seizures can be treated with traditional anti-seizure medications, which may reduce their severity.

79- Phrase length and the type and severity of aphasia.

80- NMT symptoms may fluctuate in severity and frequency.

81- “Indices of severity and disease activity for osteoarthritis”.

82- Calcium oxolate correlates with severity of fat maladsorption in celiac disease.

83- Prognosis also depends on the duration and severity of the disease before treatment.

84- A rising was suppressed in 1671 and for some years Hungary was treated with great severity.

85- Cerebral infarctions vary in their severity with one third of the cases resulting in death.

86- The use of some medications that are respiratory stimulants decrease the severity of apnea in some patients.

87- This block of only two floors crowned by a low pediment is flanked by two symmetrical wings of even greater severity.

88- In 1793 he was send as a commissary to the armies of the Rhine and the Ardennes where he distinguished himself in his severity.

89- They do however acknowledge low-severity cases and early sufferers, and those drivers may be permitted to drive pending medical reports.

90- The use of each test depends on the severity of illness, local practices, and the concern for any complications resulting from the infection.

91- In more severe injuries, patients may complain that the knee feels unstable Treatment Treatment of an MCL tear depends on the severity of the injury.

92- The floor-plan is basically rectangular, but the elaborate two-story bay windows that grace both sides of the house minimize the severity of the design.

93- The gradual shift towards monoculture has increased the frequency and severity of pest invasion and infestation because of the lack of agricultural diversity.

94- High levels of sitosterol concentrations in blood have been correlated with increased severity of heart disease in men who have previously suffered from heart attacks.

95- HVA levels correlate trendwise to symptoms severity.

96- Prognosis Prognosis worsens with the severity of injury.

97- Like “bitch,” the severity of the insult has diminished.

98- The numbers in a verbal report increase with the severity of the returns.

99- The audible severity of modest ‘intermodulation distortion’ is not well established.

100- ECG The severity of the ECG abnormalities correlates with the severity of the hyperkalemia.

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