serried in a sentence

Use ‘serried’ in a sentence | ‘serried’ example sentences

1- Above the bush the trees stood in serried ranks.

2- His gaze passed over the glazed apples serried on her stand.

3- THE serried rank of concrete blocks stretching along the shingle beach looks almost artistic.

4- The role of such infantrymen, drawn up in serried ranks, was largely defensive.

5- Or again if we but climb the serried mountain peaks . You’re looking extra.

6- Tables kept being added, seats moved, as more foreswore the serried Amstrad army.

7- The leave their sumpters and mules aside, Leap on their chargers and serried ride.

8- As lions spring to gain the river banks, Abbas swam through the waves of serried ranks.

9- I took the path through the vegetable garden, between the serried rows of artichokes and onions.

10- This means students are serried into makeshift groups and sent off to do revision or other non-standard tasks .

11- Dexter stood at the back of the conference suite behind the video cameras and serried ranks of reporters.

12- There were no conifer plantations growing in serried ranks (like battery hens) on Jane’s land.

13- As the waters recede, their spawning tunnels can be seen in serried rows in the flood bank.

14- Derek virtually lives in the fishhouse, following a harsh regime of frequent water changes in his serried rows of tanks.

15- At least a hundred thousand people surrounded the cathedral where the chiefs in all their finery were massed in serried ranks.

16- There were occasions to admire the police en masse as they marched in serried ranks to patriotic tunes from the Police Band.

17- The serried ridges and peaks of the Eastern Himalayas of Arunachal Pradesh rise from the tropically lush valley of the Brahmaputra River.

18- Guns and pistols being looked to, we rode on in serried ranks, expecting every moment to hear a bullet whizz over our heads.

19- Apart from personal interviews, the physical layout of a room is important for any group work; chairs with desks in serried rows for example are not so conducive to discussion as chairs arranged in a circle or round a central table.

20- At the Southern end is the holiday town of Morro Jable with its serried ranks of sunbeds accurately lined up on the beach.

21- The Russians stood in serried ranks behind Semenovsk village and its knoll, and their guns boomed incessantly along their line and sent forth clouds of smoke.

22- One of the astronomers, Philip Colton, who had made a side-line of botany, was examining the serried foliage of the super-gigantic creepers with a mingling of utmost interest and perplexity.

23- There was a bleak and forbidding air about the place; there were no pictures on the walls, no decorations at all; just these serried rows of benches, rising in levels all around the room, all positioned so that they had a clear view of that chair with the chains on its arms.

24- The way to the marvellous boy led through the flat, lush green pasturelands of western France, peopled with huge milk-white cows, and alternating with the serried rows of vines.

25- Amongst the serried ranks of capitalists who drove European industrialisation in the nineteenth century, the Rothschilds where amongst the most dynamic and the most successful.

26- The Andes, serried like dragons’ teeth, sparkled as the sun rose behind them, chasing them eastwards across a peach-coloured ocean dotted with green islands.

27- Another unique feature is the water vascular system, a system of internal plumbing that drives the tube feet : mobile, club-shaped sacs arranged in serried ranks on the outside of the animal, which operate in harmony to convey food to the mouth, or in locomotion.

28- Nothing appeared above these embankments but a serried line of bayonets, for if a hat or a head, or anything tangible, appeared on either side, it was saluted with a volley of perforating balls.

29- A resigned silence congealed over the rows of people and the Reverend Archibald Menzies gripped the edges of the lectern, closed his eyes and raised his face to the ceiling, then looked down at the serried faces and spoke.

30- If you take a train ride into any of our major cities you will see thousands of long narrow gardens in serried ranks on either side of the track.

31- I have this neatly weeping tree in my own garden, its serried mass of pink flowers in spring followed in autumn by a profusion of dark red berries, and the avian population has expressed its approval.

32- Behind this monument from the past, no more than an old man’s rotten tooth, rise the buildings of the new age, featureless mathematical boxes assembled from concrete, their serried rows of uniform plate glass windows catching a gleam of what is probably the setting sun.

33- With our many Societies, ‘ large and small, there is serious danger of scat- tering energies instead of grappling in serried strength with the mighty task.

34- And then the newsreel camera had cut back to the serried ranks, the swastikas, the brass bands, the yelling hypnotist on the rostrum.

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