scrooges in a sentence

Use ‘scrooges’ in a sentence | ‘scrooges’ example sentences

1- Finally, a scientific explanation for Ebeneezer scrooges discontent.

2- scrooges , you’ve been warned.

3- COAL bosses were branded scrooges last night after sacking 40 miners on Christmas Eve.

4- We also need a specific Banks Charter to bring these modern scrooges into line.

5- I really dont understand ‘NWO’, sounds like a bunch of stingy scrooges afraid to let go of their money.

6- THE SCROOGE OF CHRIST-MASS The Christmas productions of GRINCH and SCROOGE on closer examination are full of intolerance against people who, for “conscientious reasons” preferred not to recognize Rome’s Christ-Mass. Who were these “awful scrooges “?

7- Francisco de Quevedo wrote towards 1604 his first work of prose fiction : the picaresque novel titled “The Life Story of the Sharper called Don Pablos, example of wanderers and mirror of scrooges “.

8- In 2013, he announced plans for a billboard reading “Send Modern-Day scrooges a Message: Celebrate the Prince of Peace”.

9- In his 1940 article “Dickens: Two scrooges “, Edmund Wilson states, “”Our Mutual Friend,” like all these later books of Dickens, is more interesting to us today than it was to Dickens’s public.

10- On some issues, they were viewed as like-minded, a pair of scrooges concerned with deficits and more hesitant to embrace expensive programs.

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