radar screen in a sentence

Use ‘radar screen’ in a sentence | ‘radar screen’ example sentences

1- A third factor on the radar screen is inflation expectations.

2- Obama was nowhere on the radar screen four years ago.

3- They’re under the radar screen in many cases.

4- It’s barely on the radar screen .

5- Phantom echoes on the radar screens produced the embarrassing episode.

6- The radar screen now showed only three small pips.

7- Certain types of weather may also register on the radar screen .

8- The radar screen displays all your devices within range .

9- It looks precisely like the radar screen in a military cockpit.

10- He was a blip on the radar screen .

11- About 3 min later, the aircraft disappeared from the radar screen .

12- Zinc also should be on investors ‘ radar screens .

13- The pilot said he was changing direction – and vanished off radar screens .

14- The weatherman’s just lost it off the long-range radar screen .

15- The transponder code identifies an aircraft on a controller’s radar screen .

16- The protection of the environment has long been on industry’s radar screens .

17- Some managed care insiders believe personnel shortages haven’t hit HMO radar screens .

18- Hatred against japan was not even on the radar screen .

19- These questions are not on the radar screen of American public discourse today.

20- I believe they are already in the radar screen of the fund managers.

21- Nine seconds later the radar label for MH370 disappeared from the radar screen .

22- We eat it so often that it passed below my normally attentive radar screen .

23- It was these chats that put Portway on the radar screen of police .

24- The altitude of the plane was shown as 35000 ft on the radar screen .

25- Shortly after 0130 on 5 December, enemy planes faded from the radar screens .

26- Potential issues in the area of risk intermediation are not on the radar screen .

27- Annies internalised world is stable and steady and all is quiet upon her radar screen .

28- Once every four years, the lonely state of Iowa is thrust onto the radar screen .

29- It doesn’t even seem to be on the radar screen for most people.

30- They’re making massive profits and you’re barely a blip on their radar screen .

31- Berry was moved around by night and ‘off the radar screen ‘ for 7 months.

32- At one point, five blips appeared on the radar screen within a four-mile radius.

33- A warning pip on her radar screen brought her into action against a diving Japanese submarine.

34- So you figure that he either hit his approaches stiff – or off the radar screen .

35- Every year 100, 000 asylum seekers disappear from the radar screens during the protracted claims process.

36- Many of these students are not on the radar screen because they do not apply.

37- If I’d opposed him, he wouldn’t have been on the radar screen .

38- Kia from a CleanMPG perspective was barely on the radar screen up until two years ago.

39- For those of us in Washington, these things sometimes only appear on our radar screen .

40- I think I heard about it briefly but it isn’t really on my radar screen . Find someone who has looked at a real radar screen.

41- radiationThe UFO appeared on the military radar screen, and appeared to be travelling at a speed of over 10,000 miles per minute.

42- Bubba continued for 3 more cuts, and I continued for four, totally under the Bo Schembechler radar screen.

43- An ‘S’ and ‘X’ band radar beacon was also installed in 1984 which provides additional navigational information to ships by emitting a morse code on the ship’s radar screen.

44- If I’d opposed him, he wouldn’t have been on the radar screen.

45- The engine room also contains a control centre which includes a set of telegraphs, a large switch board and radar screen.

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