was scarcely in a sentence

Use ‘was scarcely’ in a sentence | ‘was scarcely’ example sentences

1- There was scarcely another car on the road.

2- There was scarcely a breath of wind.

3- My brain was scarcely working at all.

4- The method chosen was scarcely a happy one.

5- Finn was scarcely less impressive despite his lack of wickets .

6- Climate change was scarcely raised in the election campaign .

7- After a few days he was scarcely moving.

8- Isabel’s voice was scarcely a whisper.

9- Ed Miliband’s speech was scarcely more reassuring.

10- By one o’clock the ship was scarcely moving.

11- The pitching, was scarcely better than in 1995.

12- But really, it was scarcely about such issues.

13- The British government’s suppression of evidence was scarcely necessary.

14- The situation in Southern Rhodesia was scarcely different. He died when he was scarcely thirty.

15- We found there was scarcely any money left in the cashbox.

16- 788534There was scarcely any electricity in this area a few years ago.

17- In 1597, when Heller was scarcely 19 years old, he received a semicha (appointment) as a dayan in that city.

18- Under Henry VI there was scarcely a year in which he was not sent on at least one mission, sometimes staying abroad for many months.

19- The crowd of both the great and the small was so big, and their attitude towards William so indifferent, that he was scarcely missed.

20- Sega published all the Japanese versions of the game; the game was scarcely released internationally, and versions of it were released by other publishers.

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