scant in a sentence

Use ‘scant’ in a sentence | ‘scant’ example sentences

1- What little was published during his lifetime attracted scant public attention.

2- The press release is scant on details.

3- Law enforcement training for consular officials is scant .

4- Aquatic weeds are very scant throughout the pond.

5- The book is a scant 48 illustrated pages long.

6- The cave received scant attention from mainstream archaeology.

7- Windows scant feet from the strike area remain unbroken.

8- Officials showed scant enthusiasm for the proposal.

9- There is scant evidence that this has been considered important.

10- There was scant difference between this and earlier series.

11- Photographic evidence of the police action is extremely scant .

12- Of charity how oddly scant you are!

13- Historical records of this early era are scant .

14- They are white because of scant blood circulation.

15- Research on smuggling as economic phenomenon is scant .

16- Chronicles of the battle had been scant .

17- Look at the picture three scant years later .

18- And often with scant real facts and information .

19- Currently the details provided are scant at best .

20- With little notice or promotion, advance critical reaction was scant .

21- A scant 8.1% expect sales to decline.

22- Friedmans idea initially drew scant attention and little support.

23- scant data are available concerning malaria in enemy troops.

24- A costly and illogical drain on its scant resources.

25- A laugh escaped her, though it held scant humour.

26- There was scant mention of such tension from the podium.

27- Details about this coin are scant at best.

28- I was born a rather scant seven months after the wedding.

29- There are no written records and the archeological evidence is scant .

30- The chronicles are generally scant on details of the subsequent events.

31- But the evidence is too scant to draw any firm conclusions.

32- Details about the eruption in 1952 are still scant .

33- With little economic activity there was scant demand for new coinage.

34- Yet, scant proof of these links was presented.

35- Owing to the scant rainfall, irrigation is almost unknown.

36- Firm evidence for specific early performances of the play is scant .

37- Unfortunately , the video released is scant on technical detail.

38- But there was scant evidence to prove back braces really help . They are scant of money.

39- Galileo once remarked that facts which at first seem improbable will, even on scant explanation, drop the cloak which has hidden them, and stand forth in naked and simple beauty.

40- Obront says there is scant evidence that Wabafiyebazu fired any shots.

41- Brazil’s biggest telecoms put up scant fight against the judicial order.

42- Drop by scant teaspoons onto prepared cookie sheet. 3. Bake 8 minutes or until set.

43- Thousands more victims are believed to be stranded at sea with scant food or water.

44- For now, the Fed’s preferred inflation gauge has risen a scant 0.2 percent over the past 12 months.

45- But none of the theories put forward are totally convincing on the scant information we have so far.

46- Vigilante killings are common in rural parts of Guatemala, where there’s often scant police presence.

47- But again, high land costs mean there are scant bargains, particularly in King and Snohomish counties.

48- Cruikshank is perhaps more widely known as a cutting caricaturist with scant regard for his targets.

More Sentences: 12
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