satellites in a sentence 3

Use ‘satellites’ in a sentence | ‘satellites’ example sentences

101- The signal received from satellites in Earth orbit are relatively strong but view periods are short; a few minutes being typical.

102- Each issue is named after one of the Jovian satellites, with the traditional number of the moon matching the issue number of the magazine.

103- On his solo debut, Love Songs for the Hearing Impaired, the former Georgia satellites frontman commands attention like a smart bar-stood bard.

104- The EHF package on satellites four through eleven have an Earth coverage beam and a steerable five-degree spot beam that enhances its tactical use.

105- Ron Miller, Space Innovations: satellites (Twenty-First Century Books, 2007) p81 *The production-standard prototype AESL Airtourer was brought out.

106- Geo-satellites See also: :Geo-synchronous orbit According to Suparco, the Space Programme intends to launch five GEO satellites from 2011 till 2040.

107- Kosmos 393 was the thirty-ninth of seventy nine DS-P1-Yu satellites to be launched, and the thirty-sixth of seventy two to successfully reach orbit.

108- Kosmos 421 was the forty-second of seventy nine DS-P1-Yu satellites to be launched, and the thirty-eighth of seventy two to successfully reach orbit.

109- Kosmos 485 was the fifty-second of seventy nine DS-P1-Yu satellites to be launched, and the forty-seventh of seventy two to successfully reach orbit.

110- Thankfully, Willy had built self-destruct mechanisms into the satellites, allowing them to be destroyed, foiling the plans of Sly and the Air Marshall.

111- The GOES system uses geosynchronous satellites which-since the launch of SMS-1 in 1974-have been a basic element of U.S. weather monitoring and forecasting.

112- The HOT BIRD TV Awards is a television prize, dedicated to thematic television broadcast across Europe, Africa and the Middle East via the satellites of Eutelsat.

113- Globus-II is allegedly capable of observing satellites in geosynchronous orbit at ranges of some 40,000 kilometers from Vardø, which is where the radar is deployed.

114- Lagrangian Point Defense Satellite Enormous satellites floating in deep space, equipped with an energy beam weapon powerful enough to cut a Wraith Hive-Ship in half.

115- The GPS signals are received on low earth orbit (LEO) satellites.

116- In 1979 KHON and its satellites were sold to Western-Sun Broadcasting.

117- A very similar situation exists for satellites are near apogee in eccentric orbits.

118- The role of Compass-M1 for Compass is similar to the role of GIOVE satellites for Galileo.

119- Mickey mentions how he was tracking satellites on the Torchwood website but was kicked out.

120- How Satellite Geolocation Works Many communication satellites share a given frequency band.

121- This would be sufficient to power a MPD upper stage, perhaps to lift satellites from LEO to GEO.

122- The ESA ran a competition to name the satellites, which attracted participants from many countries.

123- In one 13-day period (late-March to early-April 1998) they successfully put 14 satellites into orbit.

124- Four geosynchronous RHYOLITE satellites were launched in the seventies, with COMINT and TELINT missions.

125- This was observed first by Romer, and then by others, by means of the Eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter.

126- ISBN 0887301215 * America’s space sentinels: DSP satellites and national security University of Kansas Press.

127- Reconnaissance satellites provide military commanders with photographs of enemy forces and other intelligence.

128- The GOES 1 and GOES 4 satellites were reactivated to fill the gap in coverage until a replacement could be launched.

129- This group has a network of satellites throughout the galaxy that give an overview of all events throughout the galaxy.

130- Indeed, satellites show electrons to be guided by magnetic field lines, spiraling around them while moving towards Earth.

131- O’Neill realized that, by building these satellites, his space colonies could quickly recover the cost of their construction.

132- Block III Four Block III satellites, commonly called KH-12 or Improved Crystal were launched between November 1992 and October 2001.

133- Drs. Miczaika and Wahl had assembled a list of facilities that could track satellites, either by monitoring telemetry or by using radar.

134- IKONOS comes from the Greek word for “image” Two satellites were originally planned for operation.

135- They have been shown using the United States intelligence satellites through morally dubious means.

136- GPS is a system of 24 satellites orbiting in unique planes 10.9-14.4 Nautical miles above the earth.

137- “CIA used satellites to prep for Bin Laden raid, interview of John Pike, director of GlobalSecurity.

138- The large (~3000 kg) satellites were 3-axis stabilized to arc-minute accuracy, with fixed solar panels.

139- Modern Military Operations often employ commercial satellites to fulfill theater capacity requirements.

140- Once space-based observation became possible via satellites and probes, it was shown to hold no such object.

141- The GPS satellites must account for the effects of gravitation and other relativistic factors in their circuitry.

142- EADS Astrium satellites employs around 8, 348 people on nine sites in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Spain.

143- Overly small dishes can still cause problems, however, including rain fade and interference from adjacent satellites.

144- There is only one upgrade possible and if the better weapon has already been gained then all satellites are identical.

145- No. 1, but failed, then succeeded in orbit three satellites aircraft continued and became the foundation of Myuroketto.

146- This includes aircraft but also includes satellites, the NASA space shuttle and technical concerns common to all of them.

147- Radar calibration satellites are essential if the Soviets deploy and need to test an anti-ballistic missile defense system.

148- His region, white, extends from Eastern Europa all the way to the shores of the Pacific and includes some former Soviet satellites.

149- The US has also fought a stovepipe battle, in which SIGINT and IMINT satellites, in a given orbit, were launched by different agencies.

150- Kosmos 553 was the sixty-first of seventy nine DS-P1-Yu satellites to be launched, and the fifty-fifth of seventy two to successfully reach orbit.

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