sardonic in a sentence

Use ‘sardonic’ in a sentence | ‘sardonic’ example sentences

1- The deep sardonic voice made her gasp.

2- One dark brow rose in sardonic enquiry.

3- Roman’s slow smile was infinitely sardonic .

4- Now he rolled happily towards the sardonic voice.

5- The last words came in a sardonic tone.

6- His mouth took on a sardonic twist.

7- She trailed away at his sardonic expression.

8- She registered his sardonic nod with dismay.

9- He slid her a sardonic sideways glance.

10- He battles her homophobia with sardonic wit .

11- And that are sardonic and somewhat cryptic .

12- He smiled that charming, sardonic smile.

13- It elicited a slight, sardonic smile.

14- The troops immediately gave sardonic Vietnamese nicknames to their three generals.

15- Laura’s low, sardonic laugh cut across his words.

16- Joyce was rarely anything but intense, impatient, sardonic .

17- He gave her a slow, sardonic smile.

18- Or to stop making sardonic remarks about them.

19- Charles then gave way to sardonic glee.

20- His deep rumble of sardonic laughter cut across her words.

21- Throughout the series, he displays sardonic contempt for authority figures.

22- Catherine glanced around her, and suppressed a sardonic smile.

23- sardonic reverse acronym at the Delta airline’s expense.

24- He gave her a glittering, sardonic look.

25- Now Wolff looked at her with sardonic amusement.

26- Voltaire’s sardonic smirk was still recognizable.

27- A sardonic gleam entered the grey eyes as he paused.

28- He raised one end of his moustache in a sardonic grin.

29- And beside him the smiling, sardonic face of Lionel.

30- Behind that sometimes sardonic facade is a very sharp brain at work .

31- He almost flinched and then a sardonic smile twisted his lips.

32- Her voice faded away at the sardonic gleam in his eyes.

33- A glint of sardonic humour appeared unexpectedly in Eddie’s eyes.

34- Batman was characterised as incrementally more sardonic and frivolous throughout the series.

35- A sardonic smile spread over Maurin’s face.

36- Paine created a scandal by his sardonic and irreverent tone.

37- Laura told the other girl, ignoring her bark of sardonic laughter.

38- He slanted a sardonic brow at her.

39- He cocked a sardonic eyebrow at her. He is young, handsome, charming with a pronouncedly sardonic sense of humour.

40- Brocchus has been described as a man “at times disarmingly charming, at other times biterly sardonic.

41- ” All Music Guide, ””Perfection,” a strange club track best suited for sardonic dance floors.

42- She readies to go, leaving him to his “needs” (a rather sardonic remark which he fails to counter).

43- The screenplay deviated most from the play in its absence of the play’s sardonic wit and more controversial themes.

44- P.T. Barnum gave Brandreth sardonic recognition in his book Humbugs of the World for his promotional skills.

45- Box is a charming but ruthless figure, who combines a sardonic sense of humour with a cold determination to kill when necessary.

46- The Californian was popular with many lawyers, reporters and politicians, and displayed a quick, though sardonic sense of humor.

47- The New Yorker articles Brennan’s contributions as “The Long-Winded Lady” in The New Yorker are sardonic observations of New York life.

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