sanguinary in a sentence

Use ‘sanguinary’ in a sentence | ‘sanguinary’ example sentences

1- Jackson described the action as “fierce and sanguinary .

2- The most sanguinary carnage was now in store for the country.

3- The NAPOLEON campaigns are the story of the most sanguinary battles.

4- Frederica too looked at the motorbike and remembered her sanguinary defloration.

5- If you make the criminal code sanguinary , juries will not convict.

6- There was a short but sanguinary contest, the garrison resisting with uncommon bravery.

7- The domestic maternal fowl dilates into the sanguinary dragon as the address proceeds.

8- The combats were perpetual and sanguinary , the prisoners on both sides instantly executed.

9- In all of this sanguinary excess, it is the guilty who die.

10- But the sanguinary scene of the insurrection upon that plantation is not less so.

11- We got our punishment in the most sanguinary and expensive war of modern times.

12- Malaga was long and obstinately defended, but eventually succumbed after a sanguinary struggle.

13- This is our world, skewed and skewered, revealed in its true sanguinary colours.

14- Some may even use the models as Honour guards as well as sanguinary guard.

15- Jatwan raised the siege to confront Qutb-ud-Din, but was beaten after a sanguinary fight.

16- The forces at once joined battle, and after a sanguinary contest, Thoré was routed.

17- Antonescu’s reaction was sanguinary , and a collective blame was placed on the Odessa Jews.

18- It will be long, sanguinary , and terrible, but the Slav will triumph.

19- He waged sanguinary anti-Japanese war for 20 years and thus liberated the country by force of arms.

20- At this point, Baker injects a bit of humor into his sanguinary , though fascinating tale.

21- AN amiable friend in Kentucky writes to the Lounger to ask why he has become so sanguinary .

22- sanguinary Guard : This particular unit is new to the Blood Angels list and is new in plastic.

23- They cited before them the bold Premonstrant monk, John, whom they accused of tyranny and sanguinary acts.

24- The forgetting of it lies at the root of every stupid and sanguinary mistake that rulers over subject-peoples make.

25- Professing perfect loyalty, the inhabitants very naturally refused to admit a band of sanguinary Spaniards to enforce their obedience.

26- The sanguinary Guard is 200 points base for five in jump packs with no option to get a larger size unit.

27- As he climbed through her bedroom window she would flee down the stairs, slamming the door on his sanguinary hand.

28- Zuckerman’s relationship with his brother Henry is, in contrast, often sanguinary , as gruesome as their respective operations.

29- The morning of the 23 rd of August, 1628, found him at Portsmouth prepared to finish his sanguinary undertaking.

30- General Vandeleur took up his quarters in the Curé’s house, around which in the battle had been a sanguinary conflict.

31- After some sanguinary but relatively brief contention a former subordinate of Aëtius, Ricimer, became emperor, taking the name Patrician.

32- We looked at it the next morning, and even the most sanguinary of us saw that it was a hopeless task.

33- We are told that in the days of Cortes a bouquet of rare flowers was the most valuable gift presented to the ambassadors who visited the court of Montezuma, and it presents a strange anomaly, this love of flowers having existed along with their sanguinary worship and barbarous sacrifices.

34- The strong and pointed thorns which terminate the gigantic leaves, they used as nails and pins; and amongst the abuses, not the uses of these, the ancient sanguinary priests were in the habit of piercing their breasts and tearing their arms with them, in acts of expiation.

35- The pages here devoted to the narrative of the Chickasaw Indians is not an exception; theirs, too, is stained with the seemingly inevitable sanguinary horrors, but nowhere is the trace inexplicable.

36- Of this weak and worthless prince, all that even his flatterers could favorably urge was his great fondness for war, as if a sanguinary propensity, even when unaccompanied by a spark of military talent, were of itself a virtue.

37- First, the solicitation activity itself, if carried to an extreme, might appear distastefully sanguinary to a substantial segment of the public. The sanguinary impasse persisted as no force intervened to put a stop to the escalating cycles of violence.

38- Probably few of the Raptorial birds, with the exception of the Eagles, are more formidable or more sanguinary in disposition.

39- In 83 BC he made his second march in Rome and started a more sanguinary time of terror: thousands of nobles, knights and senators were executed.

40- Hennessy, pp. 180-88; Eicher, p. 326; Greene, pp. 22-23; Salmon, p. 147. In a few moments our entire line was engaged in a fierce and sanguinary struggle with the enemy.

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