sandman in a sentence 2

Use ‘sandman’ in a sentence | ‘sandman’ example sentences

51- As Foley turned the tables on Drake and pinned him, the sandman and Terry Funk entered the ring and beat Foley.

52- In 2010, Vertigo began releasing a new edition of sandman books, featuring the improved coloring from the Absolute Editions.

53- He is also known for using Metallica ‘s ‘ Enter sandman ‘ as his walk-on music, which he plays air guitar to as he enters the match.

54- A scarecrow called Mervyn Pumpkinhead is one of the dreams who serve Dream of the Endless in Neil Gaiman’s The sandman (Vertigo) series.

55- Richards suffered a neck injury in a Fatal Four-Way match against Terry Funk, sandman and Raven, which would require numerous surgeries to fix.

56- Personal life Lori Fullington was married to Jim Fullington (“The sandman“), with whom she has three children: Kelly (born 1987), Tyler (born 1989) and Oliver (born 1994).

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