tutors in a sentence 2

Use ‘tutors’ in a sentence | ‘tutors’ example sentences

51- Unlike General Studies, it is often given a UCAS tariff score, and some University admissions tutors see it is an advantage when applying for competitive courses.

52- By 1977 punk rock was beginning to have a major effect upon London life and, while this had a great impact upon Brody’s work and motivation, was not well received by his tutors.

53- She acquired a good education under private tutors.

54- Uncle Howie makes sure Dexter tutors Minerva so she can gain admissions into a private school.

55- She had private tutors and was known to be a bright child, so illness did not impede her education.

56- Maverick’s early education was provided by tutors and he later attended several local private schools.

57- Flinders Housing Staff, University Hall tutors and the Flinders Housing Board members are all affiliate members of the Club.

58- Crummell began his formal education in the African Free School No. 2 and at home with private tutors.

59- Giorgio won all the prizes at the academy and completed his normal education with the help of private tutors.

60- When help is needed, lecturers, tutors, or fellow students, or a help desk are available, just like in a real university.

61- Meanwhile, Harry ( Joseph Bologna ) tutors the newly widowed Jack ( Len Cariou ) in the related skills of cooking and courtship.

62- Thus pupils had the potential, in theory at least, for guidance from Form Teachers, tutors, as well as their Class Subject Teachers.

63- The Peer tutors help students who have trouble in a wide array of subjects, usually for service hours or National Honor Society points.

64- Typically members are teachers, tutors, trainers, lecturers, teacher trainers, trainee teachers or researchers, managers or organisers.

65- Examples of domestic employment would include groups such as private tutors when employed directly by parents or individuals involved in the direct payments scheme.

66- The heads of house provide guidance to the students and are supported by the house tutors, who run the smaller tutor groups which operate within the house structure.

More Sentences: 12
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