triumvirs in a sentence

Use ‘triumvirs’ in a sentence | ‘triumvirs’ example sentences

1- Their combined strength gave the triumvirs absolute power.

2- The triumvirs and other leaders of the Young Turks fled the country.

3- The triumvirs had to send a legion south to Achaia to collect more supplies.

4- The triumvirs‘ army included nineteen legions (other legions had been left behind).

5- Louis XVI restored the “Parlements” and removed the triumvirs from their posts.

6- In order to refill the treasury, the triumvirs decided to resort to proscription.

7- Shakespeare makes the triumvirs meet in Rome instead of near Bononia to avoid an additional locale.

8- Two of the three future triumvirs joined Sulla’s cause in his bid to take control.

9- He, with the support of the triumvirs , proposed to send Cato to annex Cyprus.

10- While the triumvirs commanded a larger number of infantry, the Liberators commanded a larger cavalry contingent.

11- In 190 he was one of the triumvirs for settling new colonists at Placentia and Cremona.

12- This results in occasional civil wars in which two triumvirs set upon the other with their mercenary forces.

13- Fulvia’s death and the mutiny of their centurions allowed the two remaining triumvirs to effect a reconciliation.

14- This new distribution of power among the triumvirs was confirmed by the Treaty of Brundisium in September 40 BC.

15- Before marching against Brutus and Cassius in the East, the triumvirs decided to eliminate their enemies at Rome.

16- This temple, dedicated to Isis and Serapis, was first dedicated by the triumvirs in 43 BCE in Rome.

17- The triumvirs come to an accord with Pompey, a peace that the perfidious Caesar quickly violates in a power grab.

18- Unfortunately, one weakness of the system of government in Remas is that the triumvirs sometimes fall out with each other.

19- In 42 BC triumvirs Mark Antony and Octavian fought the Battle of Philippi with Caesar’s assassins Brutus and Cassius.

20- Decimus Junius Brutus, one of the triumvirs for founding a colony in the territory of Sipontum, in 194 BC.

21- It is uncertain whether he can be identified with either of two persons of this name who were proscribed by the triumvirs .

22- Dio Cassius 47.31.5 states that he was recognised as coregent by the triumvirs after the death of Dolabella in July 43.

23- It was replaced by the Second Triumvirate, with the triumvirs Juan José Paso, Nicolás Rodríguez Peña and Antonio Álvarez Jonte.

24- According to Dio Cassius 47.31.5 , Cleopatra VII obtained recognition for Caesarion from the triumvirs at about this time, and it was only after Caesar’s death that it made sense to promote his position as Caesar’s son and implied heir.

25- At the beginning of World War I, the ruling triumvirs and their supporting elites saw an opportunity to redress what they perceived as a loss of their national honor over the 19th and early 20th centuries by joining the war on the side of the Kaiser.

26- The triumvirs saw themselves as the saviors of the Turkish nation, and on this basis entered World War I on the side of Germany in the hope of recouping territorial losses and punishing an old enemy, Russia.

27- When dissident General Pompey (Ash Hunter) threatens Rome, Antony returns to Italy to meet with the two other triumvirs , Lepidus (Henry Stram) and Octavius Caesar (Samuel Collings).

28- At the same time, Talaat-Pasha, one of the triumvirs and the most influential figure in the Turkish cabinet, ordered to carry out the disarmament of the Armenian villages.

29- In 41 BC, Mark Antony , one of the triumvirs who ruled Rome in the power vacuum following Caesar’s death, sent his intimate friend Quintus Dellius to Egypt to summon Cleopatra to Tarsus to meet Antony and answer questions about her loyalty.

30- With his death the remaining triumvirs chose a civilian president, Luis Germán Suárez Flamerich, who was dismissed by the military in 1952, and the ambitious Pérez Jiménez became dictator with the consent of Llovera Páez, who was an obscene non-entity.

31- Protestants would later give this partnership the name Triumvirate (likening their violent actions to those of the triumvirs Mark Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus in Ancient Rome).

32- Marcus Licinius Crassus, one of the triumvirs who was now proconsul of Syria, launched an invasion into Parthia in 53 BC in belated support of Mithridates.

33- Usually the cause of the trouble is when one of the triumvirs tries to make himself sole Prince, and his colleagues resist his attempted coup in the interests of the republic.

34- Sudden changing of sides and re-alignment between the contending triumvirs is not unknown, even leading to confusion in the ranks in the middle of a battle.

35- If one or more of the triumvirs happens to be a noteworthy mercenary general then the neighbouring states will become rather alarmed and start renovating their defences.

36- If one of the triumvirs is a patron of the arts, the republic can expect to gain a new public edifice decorated by the finest artists in Tilea.

37- So if one of the triumvirs happens to be most concerned with merchant ventures, the republic will probably finance a trading venture in that year.

38- The policy of the republic for that year becomes whatever the special interests of the triumvirs , or their families, may be. Masaaki ranks 6th on the world’s most powerful by Newsweek along with economic triumvirs Ben Bernanke (4th) and Jean-Claude Trichet (5th).

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