triggered in a sentence 3

Use ‘triggered’ in a sentence | ‘triggered’ example sentences

101- Each bard song triggered corresponding music while he played (some classical, some original).

102- Uma got a mental shock from the vitriolic behaviour of Shruthi and that triggered a second stroke.

103- The bombs PIRA employed ranged from simple pipe bombs to sophisticated victim-triggered devices.

104- Cosgrave’s death only eight weeks after winning his seat in the 4th Dáil triggered a by-election for his seat.

105- The large power-up is triggered when approximately five small smiley faces are collected within a period of a few minutes.

106- Tsunami The tsunami triggered by the earthquake affected most of the Ionian Sea coast of Sicily, about kilometres (0 mi) in all.

107- Yablochkov’s demonstration of his brilliant arc lights at the 1878 Paris Exposition along the Avenue de l’Opera triggered a steep sell off of gas utility stocks.

108- triggered-sweep oscilloscopes compare the vertical deflection signal (or rate of change of the signal) with an adjustable threshold, referred to as trigger level.

109- In 1982 Mugabe dismissed Nkomo from his cabinet, which triggered bitter fighting between ZAPU supporters in the Ndebele-speaking region of the country and the ruling ZANU.

110- ” BVerfGE 20, 56 (97), i.e. Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court, vol. 20, p. 97. This situation triggered off federal legislation, the Political Parties Act of 1967.

111- Thus, Bassermann partly triggered the March Revolution in Germany.

112- The oil shocks of the 1970s triggered the first of several bicycle resurgences.

113- Flows can be triggered by intense rainfall, glacial melt, or a combination of the two.

114- Recover is a triggered ability that allows cards to be returned from the graveyard to their owner’s hand.

115- Whenever one becomes emotional about anything, from anger to happiness to fear, the amygdala is triggered.

116- Background The by-election was triggered by the resignation of Labor member Dr. Geoff Gallop on 16 January 2006.

117- The mines are triggered simultaneously when the sensor detects a target inside the effective footprint of the mines.

118- In 1949, Lescot tried to change the constitution to allow for his own reelection, but in 1950 this triggered another coup.

119- These color changing morphs are triggered not by color change in their environment, but a change in background brightness.

120- Ricklefs (1991), p. 256 Society is largely harmonious, although social, religious and ethnic tensions have triggered horrendous violence.

121- A final downpour of rain on the night of September 25-26 led to an additional in (0 mm) of rain in central Maryland triggered severe flash flooding.

122- The dialog model contains constructs for specifying the dynamic behaviour of a presentation, specifying what events can be triggered at a given time.

123- Those hardware safeties had no way of reporting that they had been triggered, so there was no indication of the existence of faulty software commands.

124- He may have had an appeasing influence on political affairs, since his demise immediately triggered a violent conflict between Donyo Dorje and Ngawang Tashi Drakpa.

125- Page needed The 1645 order was so deeply unpopular that it triggered strong resistance to Qing rule in Jiangnan until at least the late 1640s, Wakeman (1985), 651-80.

126- The May 2010 by-election‎ was triggered by the resignation of 5 pan-democrats from the Legislative Council who put themselves up for re-election to the Legislative Council.

127- Rommie’s individuality also protects her from some of the ailments that afflict Andromeda’s AI, such as the reprogramming accidentally triggered by Harper during the episode “.

128- However, when Wile E. Coyote pulls at the trap, it is triggered.

129- Zaman’s downfall was triggered by his attempts to consolidate power.

130- The polyps have nematocysts which are triggered to hold their prey immobile.

131- A vocoder can also be triggered by assigned buttons on the body of the Ztar.

132- While undergoing treatment, he was administered pain medication that triggered a relapse.

133- Luke sees this and later ends up in hospital after a DUI accident triggered by the event.

134- Amino acid response (AAR) is the mechanism triggered in mammalian cells by amino acid starvation.

135- Science 30 : 212. The final extinction of the Caribbean Monk Seal was triggered by two main factors.

136- Baden Powell died of pneumonia triggered by diabetes on the 26th of September, 2000, in Rio de Janeiro.

137- In 1927 an eruption was artificially triggered by the use of dynamite in the crater for sulfur extraction.

138- SMA syndrome is thus triggered by any condition involving an insubstantial cushion and narrow mesenteric angle.

139- Universum sued the brothers, arguing that their recent injuries had triggered a clause binding them beyond April.

140- Increasing levels of government debt triggered by Federal government spending are an emerging public policy issue.

141- The decision-making algorithm that sequences storm surge-triggered events in the Maeslantkering is run entirely by computer.

142- In season four a sound effect was added to the game to indicate scores, triggered when a contender rolled over the actuator.

143- The Barbarian invasions of the fifth century were triggered by the destruction of the Gothic kingdoms by the Huns in 372-375.

144- Albin Michel. pp. 107. On the international level, the disproportionate Syrian reaction triggered a unified international criticism.

145- If a spot is marked by a green square, it cannot be marked in the normal manner until the advantage cube’s special feature is triggered.

146- The nuke destroys all ships in the area when it is triggered, which occurs with a second button press after being launched from the ship.

147- A leveleditor was included which triggered the creation of several thousand levels by players.

148- Such release can be triggered by various means, such as heating to about 200 °C Rogers, E et al.

149- Decalo 1973, p. 457. The economic stagnation triggered intense regionalistic attitudes in Dahomey.

More Sentences: 1234
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