tribunes in a sentence

Use ‘tribunes’ in a sentence | ‘tribunes’ example sentences

1- The tribunes were entitled to propose legislation before the assembly.

2- Yet tradition dictated that tribunes follow the rule nonetheless.

3- The address of the tribunes was thus abruptly terminated.

4- There is no evidence regarding the pay of military tribunes .

5- Various officers within the Roman army were also known as tribunes .

6- There, after tribunes called everyone by name, everyone sacrificed.

7- The plebeians called these new officials “plebeian tribunes “.

8- One, commanded by consular tribunes Sp.

9- Usually, vetoes were handed down by plebeian tribunes .

10- The tribunes could also veto decisions made by the Consuls.

11- Caecina dismissed the tribunes and rode back to the camp.

12- He is his mothers son, his advisors listener and his tribunes target.

13- The 6 military tribunes were to be the senior staff of the legion.

14- My mom was sending me World tribunes and SGI Graphics.

15- They elected their own officers, plebeian tribunes and plebeian aediles.

16- The tribunes would have two assistants, called “plebeian aediles”.

17- It had no praetors, tribunes , or quaestors.

18- A banquet not for honoring consul and tribunes , but indicting them!

19- Anyone who violated the sacrosanctity or the tribunes might be killed without penalty.

20- Ceres was patron and protector of plebeian laws, rights and tribunes .

21- tribunes were young men of aristocratic rank who often supervised administrative tasks like camp construction.

22- The ” tribunes editorial direction was then under Managing Editor John Conners.

23- All magistracies and the tribunes of the plebs had resigned in advance.

24- Neither tribunes nor centurions could approach.

25- Zell’s tribunes Company filed for bankruptcy on December 8, 2008.

26- The concept of a veto body originated with the Roman consuls and tribunes .

27- The rest of the tribunes and centurions preferred immediate safety to danger and duty.

28- These tribunes basically tell people to stop loitering and get back to work.

29- Tired of the women’s persistent demanding, the dissenting tribunes withdrew their opposition.

30- A Roman army under consular tribunes L. Quinctius Cincinnatus and Ser.

31- Based on the report of the tribunes , Rome declared war on Praeneste.

32- The appointed tribunes conducted an ad hoc draft, or dilectus, to recruit men.

33- Pairs of tribunes would take turns to command their legion for two-month terms.

34- Soon afterward, the tribunes themselves appointed Sicinius and two others as their colleagues.

35- The tribunes Flavius and Marullus are concerned about Caesar’s rise to power.

36- Being sacrosanct, no person could harm the tribunes or interfere with their activities.

37- These tribunes were not elected.

38- The two most important were the tribunes of the plebs and the military tribunes.

39- The two most important were the tribunes of the plebs and the military tribunes .

40- In the imperial army, the tribunes thus became staff-officers to the “legatus”. Since tribunes were technically not magistrates, they had no magisterial powers (“major powers” or maior potestas), and thus could not rely on such powers to veto.

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