military tribunal in a sentence

Use ‘military tribunal’ in a sentence | ‘military tribunal’ example sentences

1- Special investigators were dispatched and military tribunals formed.

2- How many prisoners were facing a military tribunal ?

3- His military tribunal trial begin June 3 .

4- The military tribunal had condemned six other officers to life imprisonment.

5- He was prosecuted through a U.S. military tribunal .

6- The UK is currently looking at establishing similar military tribunals .

7- Violations meant punishment without appeal by military tribunals .

8- Some Klansmen were tried before military tribunals and hanged.

9- The city also hosts the county’s commercial and military tribunals .

10- So if military tribunals are suspended, what happens then?

11- An International military tribunal was subsequently convened in Nuremberg.

12- Mulder’s fate is ultimately made the subject of a military tribunal .

13- The military tribunal considered guilt and sentencing on June 29 and 30.

14- They referred to government support for the military tribunal process as shameful.

15- The charges were later dropped by a military tribunal after an appeal.

16- Al-Baluchi was transferred to Guantanamo in 2006 for a military tribunal .

17- The boys sit in black gowns like a military tribunal judging a traitor.

18- The jurisdiction of military tribunals in times of war is established by law.

19- Take him to the Washington Monument and hold a military tribunal .

20- On August 23, 2013 Hasan was convicted by a military tribunal .

21- This was sequel to the summons issued by the Special military tribunal .

22- The military tribunal found Mary Surratt guilty on all charges but two.

23- International military tribunal at Nurnberg, Germany.

24- Mr Achour was placed in solitary confinement before being brought before a military tribunal .

25- Military jurisdiction was exercised by the Supreme Court and military tribunals and courts.

26- Defendants may appeal the military tribunal‘s verdict to the civilian Supreme Court.

27- What happened to the POS Pretender-in-Chief ‘s promise of a military tribunal ?

28- Nuremberg military tribunal , Volume II, pp. 69–70.

29- International military tribunal (IMT) (1947–49).

30- Civilians defying martial law may be subjected to military tribunal (court-martial).

31- He and two of his Ministers were hanged by the military tribunal .

32- She was promptly tried by a military tribunal and hung less than three months later.

33- The Superior military tribunal is the highest court in matters of federal military law.

34- April 14 – A Cuban military tribunal convicts 1,179 Bay of Pigs attackers.

35- Until 1972, objectors were considered as traitors and tried by a military tribunal .

36- Nuremberg military tribunal , Volume I, pp. 508–511.

37- It was not until April 1925 that his trial before a military tribunal finally started.

38- In September, 53 faced unfair trials before a military tribunal , held in camera .

39- military tribunals also have jurisdiction over gang crimes, banditry, and highway robbery. 762242The other nine were executed after a widely condemned military tribunal.

40- Nuremberg military tribunal, Einsatzgruppen trial, Judgment, at page 426, quoting exhibit NO-3157.

41- The rebel army was captured one week later, and Salcedo led the military tribunal which eventually sentenced the rebel leaders to death.

42- Nuremberg Tribunal Between November 1945 and October 1946, 22 high ranking Nazis were tried at Nuremberg before an International military tribunal.

43- Some sources say he was placed in front of a military tribunal and then shot by a firing squad, others that he was shot when he was captured by the Gestapo.

44- Synopsis Judgment at Nuremberg centers on a military tribunal in which four judges are accused of crimes against humanity for their actions during the Nazi regime.

45- ” Moll was put on trial by an American military tribunal at Dachau in November 1945.

46- 3. We will NOT obey orders to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to military tribunal.

47- Milligan was among those arrested on October 5, 1864 by order of General Alvin P. Hovey and tried before a military tribunal starting on October 21 1864.

48- The coal companies were successful in having the Federal government declare martial law under a military tribunal, an egregious act according to the editors of the Masses.

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