trialled in a sentence

Use ‘trialled’ in a sentence | ‘trialled’ example sentences

1- These were originally trialled using the 188 prefix.

2- In 2008 thirteen of the variations were trialled globally.

3- Currently being trialled by teachers, carers & therapists!

4- A one-to-one practical item was also trialled .

5- A pneumatic railway was briefly trialled in the area in 1864.

6- Heat recovery ventilation systems are being trialled in a further six units.

7- Consequently three howitzers were trialled in 1938–1939.

8- A similar system was trialled from 1971 on some Toyota buses.

9- Seaweed culture has been trialled with little success so far.

10- One of the examples trialled proved to be easy.

11- During 2000–2002 a round-robin format was trialled .

12- A new technique of micro propagation by tissue culture has been trialled .

13- The tool is currently being trialled and results will soon be available.

14- It has been trialled in Spain and Germany.

15- Enum is being or has been trialled in about 30 countries.

16- Biodiesel fuel was trialled between July 2005 and May 2006.

17- A combination of both types of cells will also be trialled .

18- A Delamare-Deboutteville vehicle was patented and trialled in 1884.

19- A range of biological controls have been trialled and released throughout Australia.

20- With nearly 600 hp it proved to be exceptionally mobile when trialled .

21- The first prototypes were trialled in 1976 and production ended in 1994.

22- This method was already trialled in rural Germany, surpassing all expectations.

23- Measures to be trialled inside the zone include market-driven interest rates.

24- The scheme was introduced nationally in June 2011 having been trialled since April.

25- However , they have not been trialled in Indigenous communities.

26- Games cost $7 and can be trialled for just $1.

27- The pilots did show a significant increase in turnout where postal voting was trialled .

28- The later type was trialled on the Boeing YC-14 in 1976.

29- I’ve trialled my simple visible workspace for the past three weeks.

30- We have schemes that have been carefully analysed and trialled under laboratory conditions.

31- Electric bikes are also being trialled .

32- In March 2008 existing guided vehicles were trialled along a section near Oakington.

33- New South Wales trialled the Swedish X 2000 tilt train in 1995.

34- The operational locomotive was trialled on the former Southern Railway network around Brighton.

35- trialled experimentally on the General Dynamics F-16XL.

36- The local authorities that trialled the new system were known as Pathfinder Authorities.

37- During the mid-late 1990s, the Army trialled Force XXI.

38- This project has already been trialled in Solihull , Walsall and Glasgow.

39- The pre-season competition has been a place where the AFL has trialled new rules.

40- It has been put on trial in pubs, withdrawn, and trialled again. Tasmanian Police trialled 40 3G-capable tablet devices over a three-week period in May 2013.

41- A week beforehand the stream was trialled unsuccessfully using peercast.

42- The principle had been trialled on other carriers with lines painted on an axis deck.

43- PC-based, it is one of several systems trialled with the aim of replacing the aging APTIS system.

44- The CF trialled the US Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops in 1990s before adopting the French version.

45- In 2010, Renault Trucks trialled a electric version with a 2-tonne payload in Paris with drinks distributor Tafanel.

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