Use ‘tree root ‘ in a sentence | ‘tree root ‘ example sentences
1- Most steps are naturally formed from tree roots .
2- A cavity among stones or under tree roots is preferred.
3- Apple tree roots had entered the coffin.
4- There are many ways to injure tree roots and stress trees.
5- If tree roots are surrounded by Figure 4.
6- Imagine yourself anchoring yourself into the cool ground as tree roots .
7- An example would be a tree root system slowly splitting rocks.
8- Even the 3 D printed shoes looked like tree roots !
9- Q. When may tree roots be considered a pest?
10- Trip over tree roots , fall into the stream.
11- Leave the castle to reach a courtyard covered in tree roots .
12- Beneath each of the tree roots is a well.
13- A tree root flexed, then was still.
14- You forego the graded track for mud and tree roots .
15- Like us, tree roots need oxygen or they will die.
16- Is it okay to burn the tree roots in the fireplace?
17- Remaining tree roots sprout new growth many times.
18- Underground fungi filaments supply nutrients and water to the trees’ roots .
19- Up over tree roots that served as stairs and sometime handholds.
20- Developmental processes in tree root systems.
21- I mean I actually saw the tree roots physically reaching below the ground.
22- The paragraph begins by describing the tree roots – what Henry sees.
23- The movie’s broken, cracked like sidewalk over a tree root .
24- Tree roots coming up through the paved sites and all around them.
25- Roots of turfgrasses compete strongly with tree roots for water and minerals.
26- These allow tree roots the space they need to grow to full size.
27- Where tree roots grow close to the surface and prevent grass from growing.
28- Tree root systems consist of various types of morphologically and functionally different roots.
29- No, a tree root ; you must be approaching the surface.
30- Eventually they come to a pleasant hemlock tree rooted near a river.
31- Firstly, XML instances are not trees rooted at a single root element.
32- It will also encourage tree roots to not grow beyond the original hole.
33- Infected trees can spread wilt through roots that intermingle with healthy tree roots .
34- Tree root systems consist of large perennial roots and smaller, short-lived feeder roots.
35- It usually makes its nest under tree roots , logs, or brush piles.
36- In forested areas, tubers grow in areas where other tree roots are present.
37- The town is well known and has guided tours of Tree Root Bridges.
38- Her foot caught on something, an old tree root , a bramble.
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