Use ‘climb a tree ‘ in a sentence | ‘climb a tree ‘ example sentences
1- He quickly climbed a tree and hid himself among the branches.
2- Another night, he climbs a tree .
3- So he jumped around some more and tried climbing a tree .
4- Your wife can climb a tree faster than your cat.
5- I will never forget the time I climbed a tree .
6- Then go climb a tree or shoot a bear or something.
7- Do NOT climb a tree and snipe from there.
8- One man climbed a tree while the other hid in a nearby cave.
9- After the others leave, Skat climbs a tree for the night.
10- We two people took the corpse is thrown, it climbed a tree .
11- The two find a log after climbing a tree and scouting the area.
12- On prom night, Lucas climbs a tree to reach Simone’s window.
13- Experts recommend anyone who encounters a pissed off wombat to climb a tree immediately .
14- Raccoons also have the ability to climb a tree once the attack starts.
15- A child will climb a tree for the pleasure he gets from the process.
16- After a month, he made his first step; he climbed a tree .
17- Can you climb a tree ?
18- I’ll climb a tree .
19- Boyd is chased by Travis and his mates and is forced to climb a tree .
20- It starts by climbing a tree to gain the buttress itself before actual rock climbing begins.
21- All three learned all the domestic chores and how to climb a tree the quickest.
22- He climbs a tree , hoping just to catch a glimpse of Jesus up close.
23- Climb a tree , barking mad–and enjoy the show as the forest burns down.
24- Castor climbed a tree to keep a watch as Pollux began to free the cattle.
25- He had still not caught anything when night fell, so he climbed a tree for shelter.
26- So with the daraykon latched onto my shoulder, I gingerly attempted to climb a tree .
27- Someone broke a window, set off a sparkler, climbed a tree , tagged a dumpster?
28- Then, one day, a mysterious girl he’s never known climbs a tree and falls.
29- A dead sinner like Zacchaeus, an avaricious tax-collector, climbed a tree to see Christ.
30- We climbed a tree .
31- An way the cool thing is I taught him how to climb a tree in my front yard.
32- A Syrian refugee uses a rope to climb a tree at the Vrazhdebna shelter Tuesday , October 29.
33- When a black bear sees a grizzly coming, it either turns tail and runs or climbs a tree .
34- Smokey had climbed a tree to escape the blaze, but his paws and hind legs had been burned.
35- Even now I catch glimpses of worry as one of them climbs a tree a little bit too high.
36- The noise and tactile advantages of climbing a tree are better than the advantages of burrowing in the ground.
37- He pointed to one of the raised seats where centuries earlier a carpenter had carved a bear climbing a tree .
38- Mistreated by their half-brothers Hunbatz and Huchouén, Hunahpú and Xbalanqué trick them into climbing a tree .
39- Rabbinically it is forbidden to climb a tree , for fear this may lead to one tearing off a branch.
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