translators in a sentence 2

Use ‘translators’ in a sentence | ‘translators’ example sentences

47- “Public projects” can also be created on String, which allow for the sourcing of community translators.

48- The KJCT signal is relayed by 13 analog and eight digital translators across central and northwestern Colorado.

49- The Trans-Type project (Langlais et al., 2000) gave a pioneer approach to the MT as a help to human translators.

50- WFIU’s broadcast signal, and those of its translators, reaches portions of central, western, and southern Indiana.

51- China Lin Yutang (1895-1976) is one of the earliest self-translators from China.

52- New books * William Duncombe – The Works of Horace in English Verse (various translators).

53- Kern (2206: 255) While not perfect, many translators followed his example and used this format.

54- Berge was the chair of the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and translators Association from 2005 to 2008.

55- Tolkien explains this in his Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings (1967) to prospective translators.

56- Besides Drs. Kolb and Wengert the translators were Eric Gritsch, Charles Arand, William Russell, James Schaaf, and Jane Strohl.

57- When customers needed to transfer data from one system to another, it was necessary to write translators from one format to other.

58- The dependence on human translators to enhance the quality of the translation is not free of problems.

59- Ma wanted to use them as translators as he expanded his military domain over land inhabited by Tibetans.

60- The work of several German translators are considered particularly faithful to the original French versions.

61- TH) **“Surintaraja” Award for the year 2009 from the translators and Interpreters Association of Thailand (TIAT).

62- This would emerge naturally if the Greek translators were attracted by the corresponding Greek word for “warlike”.

63- His scheme of using blank verse for Greek hexameters and rhymed verse for the choruses was widely adopted by other translators.

64- Since non-commercial broadcasters, have more lenient rules regarding translators, such a broadcaster could continue to run the license.

65- He did, however, manage to persuade some of the translators to bring him different plants, and he also found plants in the gardens of Dejima.

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