translated in a sentence

Use ‘translated’ in a sentence | ‘translated’ example sentences

1- The poem was later translated multiple times.

2- The translated name means “flower valley.

3- The poor summer weather translated to fewer grazing days.

4- That campaign money translated into remarkable loyalty.

5- This important article has not been previously translated .

6- The electronic text represents the translated text.

7- These improvements were soon translated into military successes.

8- His books are translated in many languages.

9- It has been translated into 37 different languages.

10- The term is usually translated as “theology”.

11- The book has been translated into 50 languages.

12- Book 16 was partially translated but never published.

13- The word kosher is usually translated as “proper.

14- It has since been translated into several languages.

15- Analog conditions are translated into data words.

16- How is regulatory law translated into regulatory activity?

17- More recently his poetry has been translated again.

18- The animated series has since been translated and broadcast worldwide.

19- Her writing has been translated into 13 languages.

20- The book was translated into eleven languages.

21- It has been translated into 26 languages.

22- The story has never been reprinted or translated .

23- This text was separately translated by both monks.

24- Her books were translated into 37 languages.

25- It has since been translated into 34 languages.

26- It has been translated into 39 languages.

27- Islamic literature is being translated and circulated.

28- It has thus far been translated into twenty languages .

29- The book is being translated into 20 languages .

30- Elsewhere this word is translated ” fool.

31- The sound effects are not consistently translated .

32- The book was soon translated into seventeen languages.

33- Our education is translated into 14 languages.

34- It has been variously understood and translated .

35- The word translated ,” offering” certainly means gift.

36- German units are translated whenever exact English equivalents exist.

37- This insight has been translated into the advertising world.

38- Roughly translated the saying cautions against humiliating a losing elder.

39- This translated to a 36 percent response rate.

40- The verb which is translated strive signifies to rule. The above-mentioned literature has to be translated.

41- She translated it word for word.

42- He translated promise into actions.

43- He translated French into Japanese.

44- I translated the poem as best I could.

45- His novel was translated into Japanese.

46- I want this contract translated word for word.

47- He translated the book from French into English.

48- He translated Homer from the Greek into English.

49- Father translated the German letter into Japanese.

50- She translated the book from Japanese into English.

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