transformations in a sentence 2

Use ‘transformations’ in a sentence | ‘transformations’ example sentences

51- Role of health professions The professionalization of medicine has brought on many contemporary transformations.

52- Spanning some seven series the decorators created live ‘one hour’ transformations interacting throughout with viewers.

53- A half-turn is often referred to as a reflection in a point since these are identical for transformations in two-dimensions.

54- A 3-manifold with such a metric is covered by the 3-sphere, moreover the group of covering transformations are isometries of the 3-sphere.

55- In March 1970, The Brotherhood purchased a 25-acre property in Warwick, MA and the group underwent the first of its many radical transformations.

56- “Open-cage fullerene derivatives having 11-, 12-, and 13-membered-ring orifices: chemical transformations of the organic addends on the rim of the orifice”.

57- The ordered movement of large numbers of atoms lead some to refer to these as military transformations in contrast to civilian diffusion-based phase changes.

58- The building has undergone many transformations over the centuries and is easily found on the high street due to its distinctive portico, adorned with its very own lion.

59- “Juliá-Colonna asymmetric epoxidation reactions under non-aqueous conditions: rapid, highly regio- and stereo-selective transformations using a cheap, recyclable catalyst”.

60- Unlike Connors she maintains control of her human consciousness when she is in her lizard form, and has the ability to control transformations between human and lizard forms.

61- Chameleon searches for a spell to stop her involuntary transformations which follow the phases of the moon, seeking a medium position, of average looks and average intelligence.

62- Labyrinth of transformations (1988), oil on canvas by Davide Tonato.

63- This requires mappings and transformations and should be modeled too.

64- Cross-ratio preservation Cross-ratios are invariant under Möbius transformations.

65- The residual gauge symmetries are gauge transformations of the traditional bosonic type.

66- D. in 1931 with a thesis entitled Invariant functions of Conservative Surface transformations.

67- While Morvern’s journeys and transformations allow for liberation, she ends up where she started.

68- They can only remember two transformations at a time, and forget their oldest transformation upon mimicking a new character.

69- Realism The decline of Romanticism, along with a series of social transformations, occurred in the middle of the 19th century.

70- In higher dimensions Homogeneous coordinates are used to represent projective transformations by means of matrix multiplications.

71- ST encapsulates spectral transformations and other preconditioners for eigenvalue problems.

72- Bravman, B.: Making ethnic ways : Communities and their transformations in Taita, Kenya, 1800-1950.

73- Lie sphere geometry is the geometry of the Lie quadric and the Lie transformations which preserve it.

74- Gameplay transformations were excluded, and a few of the characters from the previous sequel do not appear.

75- His research fields were the crystal structure of minerals, particularly phase transformations in minerals and meteorites.

76- Energy in various contexts The concept of energy and its transformations is useful in explaining and predicting most natural phenomena.

77- Teivainen paid special attention to transformations in the boundaries between the political and the economic as well as between the inside and the outside.

78- The corresponding continuous transformations of the celestial sphere (except for the identity) all share the same two fixed points, the North and South pole.

79- Unlike SO(3), the group of Lorentz transformations SO(3,1) is non-compact and therefore does not have any faithful unitary finite-dimensional representations.

80- In maximal supergravity theories (see below), all fields are related by supersymmetry transformations so that there is only one supermultiplet: the supergravity multiplet.

81- His 1865 work Origine et transformations de l’homme et des autres êtres was a predecessor and precursor to the theory of punctuated equilibrium (Wilkins and Nelson, 2008).

More Sentences: 12
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