mass transit in a sentence

Use ‘mass transit’ in a sentence | ‘mass transit’ example sentences

1- Non polluting mass transit is definitely needed.

2- This included increased interest in mass transit .

3- Typical uses include mass transit and motorway tolls.

4- It generates another $ 1 billion for mass transit .

5- The excise tax funds state highway and mass transit projects .

6- A mass transit subsidy voucher: 1.

7- Buses remain the main means of mass transit .

8- Problem for mass transit is two fold.

9- She also wonders whether mass transit can be better protected.

10- Population density alone does not determine the market for mass transit .

11- This exemption is provided for mass transit projects which: 1.

12- Many visitors to the neighborhood use nearby mass transit connections.

13- It serves as a tourist attraction and mass transit system.

14- Most mass transit systems move people in groups over scheduled routes.

15- mass transit in the region is provided by bus services.

16- Staff is nice and it’s conveniently located near mass transit .

17- mass transit never will enable anyone to achieve all those goals.

18- It would eliminate all dedicated federal funding for mass transit .

19- Check out the mass transit routes near your home.

20- Taxis are more expensive than mass transit .

21- Saluki Express provides another mass transit options.

22- They need local governments to help combat sprawl and support mass transit .

23- There’s mass transit nearby including streetcars and elevated trains.

24- So with the mass transit attacks in London.

25- Candidate A supports for the new mass transit project.

26- Some improvements in mass transit also occurred on 14 November.

27- mass transit accounts for 9% of total U.S. work trips.

28- Sugar Land currently does not have a mass transit system.

29- Pigeon Forge is served by a mass transit system of buses.

30- Strategic thinking about mass transit links for East London continued.

31- Some mass transit systems have restricted the use of mobile phones.

32- mass transit systems were one way to combat these problems.

33- mass transit needs to offer the commuter some sort of value .

34- On October 29, Philadelphia shut down its mass transit system.

35- Portland’s mass transit system allows for easy transportation throughout the city.

36- Another project currently under construction is Lagos Rail mass transit .

37- The same is true for things like bike lanes and mass transit .

38- Proceeds would accelerate the construction of 12 mass transit projects.

39- Short-haul transport is dominated by the automobile and mass transit .

40- This followed a quarter-cent increase in mass transit taxes. Suburbs generally develop in areas where there is easy access to mass transit.

41- The logical way to reduce the number of cars on the road would be to make mass transit more attractive.

42- In my opinion, the government should reduce the fare for city buses in order to get more people to use mass transit.

43- There’s no way we can have a mass transit system covering 500 square miles.

44- And in Washington, transit police stepped up patrols to safeguard the city’s mass transit system.

45- The long-overlooked metropolis will be home to India’s first integrated mass transit system come 2015.

46- Growing ridership in this way required substantial capital investment, which was provided by a mixture of Federal mass transit funds and Commonwealth transportation bond issues.

47- 24% of commuters travelers take mass transit, while 59% drive alone.

48- The Rapid Central Station is the first LEED-NC certified building in the United States in the market of mass transit.

49- Sloane established Louisville’s mass transit system, the Transit Authority of River City (TARC), which is still in existence today.

50- Birmingham’s mass transit system, such as it is, exemplifies the reluctance of the citizens of Alabama to support an areawide public mass transit system.

More Sentences: 12
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