tracker in a sentence 2

Use ‘tracker’ in a sentence | ‘tracker’ example sentences

51- Or even the ever-popular Fitbit Flex fitness tracker which tracks your fitness and sleep levels.

52- 818613The Vert tracker fed my statistics to a computer, where I could peruse them at my leisure.

53- It’s been cooked-up as an activity tracker for people who don’t want to wear something on their wrist.

54- Yup, the Microsoft Band is a throw-everything-in-but-the-kitchen-sink approach to an activity tracker.

55- Primordial Soldier interfaces with a position tracker, head tracker, and wireless transceiver.

56- Pular Singe Pular Singe is a ratgirl, renowned as being the best tracker in the city of TunFaire.

57- Researchers can combine information from several layers of this tracker to determine the path of the particles.

58- Dodd was working on Bitter Springs as a tracker and interpreter for actor Michael Pate when Rafferty arranged for him to have an on-screen role.

59- The Radiohead song ” These Are My Twisted Words ” was added to the tracker on 12 August 2009.

60- The Voxel tracker software program enables visualization and quantification of MRI-labeled cells.

61- Musicians who are noted for using tracker software to compose music at some point in their career.

62- The tracker Action Great Organ was built with voluntary contributions from the members of the Church.

63- This number updates dynamically with any activities logged on the Fitbit website or synced with the Fitbit tracker.

64- Shalla manages to install Castin’s tracker program into the Razor’s Kiss’ computers, and sabotages the shield generators.

65- He specialises in tracker action organs typically with clean, modernist light wood casework and well-balanced classical voicing.

66- tracker volunteers to go with them as a guide.

67- tracker 4 introduced live chat channels and Startup Forms.

68- James, a tracker vampire, is intrigued by Edward’s protectiveness over a human and wants to hunt Bella for sport.

69- The tracker was originally powered by Suzuki’s 1.6L SOHC 4-cylinder engine producing hp ( kW).

70- AN/FPQ-4 This is an adaptation of AN/FPS-16 that was made for use as a target tracker in the land-based Talos system.

71- For example, see OIC tracker ID 202889 for the mortgage insurance policy of Republic Mortgage Insurance Company of Florida.

72- ComScore, the Reston-based tracker of consumer Internet habits, tallied 5.8 million unique visitors to SB Nation Web sites during the month of November 2010.

73- Meanwhile, general Von Klinkerhoffen, colonel Von Strohm and Helga are waiting on the ground and are soon joined by lieutenant Gruber, who has the tracker dogs with him.

74- The onboard star tracker remained functional, and has been used for long-term precision photometric monitoring of bright stars in support of an asteroseismology program.

More Sentences: 12
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