Use ‘terrible traffic’ in a sentence | ‘terrible traffic’ example sentences
1- There’s still terrible traffic on the freeways, air quality is problematic.
2- Now can you do something about the terrible traffic in DC ?
3- My head aches but it was worth the terrible traffic to see this game.
4- Evenings and mornings, this road experiences terrible traffic jams at the Nal stop junction.
5- Also, the sprawl constantly demanded more roads, since the ones already built had terrible traffic .
6- Brandy picked me up at 6:15pm and we hit terrible traffic on the way to Huntersville. We got caught in a terrible traffic jam, so the movie was practically over by the time we got to the theater.
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Related Words:
freeway traffic – light traffic – oncoming traffic – motorway traffic – rush-hour traffic – trafficked – bad traffic – terrible traffic – trafficker – traffickers – trafficking – traffickings – traffics – tragedian – tragedians –
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